
Advertising Inquires

For advertising purposes only:

Please start at the heart of the matter, we get too many emails and we’d like to understand exactly what you want from the outset. You can read more about Advertising on this page to understand what we can offer. We do not advertise anything related to gambling, tobacco, politics and we do not publish advertising reviews for money (you can offer us your product or service for review, but we will do the review for free and our opinion will be independent).

Stories Corrections

We have a Corrections Policy and we try to make them as quickly as our editorial team is able to verify the information and change the story if the information you provide is correct. If you would like to submit a correction, reach us at:

Please provide as much information as possible, including information you would like to see corrected and a link to the original story. Please do not write an opinion in your letter, try to base your letter on facts and factual evidence, this will give us a better understanding of why you think our story is wrong.

Submitting a Story

If you want to submit a story (but not promotional one):

Please offer the story right away. Or if you can’t offer the whole story at once, then offer it outline so we know what it’s about. We do not pay for the stories we publish, but we will leave a link to the author, his blog, website or social media if we find the story interesting enough. We’re not interested in overly generic stories and news, unless it’s unique news you want to share.

You can also write to the Deputy Editor of the section where you would like your story to appear directly. This will give you a chance to discuss the details with them.


We usually find the people we’d like to hire on staff ourselves, but you can try your luck and write to:

Send your CV and examples of your work at once so that we can assess your skills.

Got a Tip?

Technology Issues & Bug Fixes

Licensing and Permissions

If you want to use our content for your own commercial purposes, you can do so by writing to:

Please state your purpose right away and your offer, so we understand what the conversation is about from the start. And we do not authorize reprinting and its syndication (publishing in your e-edition in its entirety). But if you own or speak on behalf of a print publication, we can work out a deal.

Our Opinion

If you would like to engage Splaitor or any of our team as experts and get our opinion, you can reach us at: