Why Do All Keep Writing Actors’ Names in Articles About Movies?


Maybe you won’t support me. And I’m not judging it. But I want to confess: I don’t understand why authors and journalists keep referring to the characters by the actor’s name when writing about the movie. Jared Padalecki was Sam Winchester, and Hugh Jackman was Wolverine.

Of course, sometimes it can be exciting and informative, especially at the beginning of an article. I’d hate to leave an actor out and talk about a character like a real person didn’t play the character. It can be enlightening when the author is just getting into the article, thus giving the reader more information.

But I don’t understand why you would write “actor as character” in the middle of an article. Or worse, to start remembering other movies where he appeared. It often turns a post or article into something impossible to read, especially if one is not knowledgeable about actors, box office, and streaming. In the end, the author just dumped on the unprepared reader a few (well, if not a couple dozen) names, often spicing them up by mentioning that the actor or actress appeared in other movies.

Usually, that’s just a filling words

It’s sad to admit, but it’s true. It’s usually just water poured into an article to make it bigger and seem “professional.” The best way to do this is to name all the characters and the actors and actresses they played. Be sure to supply this with some reasonably hackneyed description. Something like “Tom Holland, as an iconic Marvel superhero Spider-Man.”

Often, all these lists of actors can be accompanied by a link inserted in their name that will take you to a page with all the articles about that actor or actress. Or the actor’s or actress’ real name may be bolded, which shifts the focus from the story about the movie or series to the actor or actress.

As a result, such a text is simply impossible to read, and even the most prepared are confused about what the author wanted to write.

Please do not do this. Mentioning the name of an actor or actress in brackets without putting it in bold or inserting references when you first introduce the character is enough.

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Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith is an Entertainment Editor at Splaitor. He manages the team of writers and contributors to the Entertainment section and covers games, movies, and streaming. Before joining Splaitor, he obtained a BA in Literature and worked for almost 10 years as a screenwriter. Currently, he is in charge of everything related to entertainment, including creating "What to watch" lists, writing reviews of the hottest releases, and managing and reviewing other writers. In his free time, he writes science-fiction, fantasy, and verses.


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