Does Amazon drug test its employees and job applicants


In the US the practice of testing employees and even job applicants is very widespread, while, for example, in Europe it is much less common. Of course, this strains workers, especially when you consider that marijuana has been legalized in 37 states at least for medical purposes, and 17 states (including DC) have legalized cannabis for recreational purposes.

Moreover, Gallup research confirms that 68% of Americans support the legalization of cannabis. All of this makes such tests pointless, especially since there is virtually no evidence that regular random tests (when a company employee selects random employees to take a test) reduce cannabis use.

Such tests became widely popular in the 1990s when they were thought to reduce marijuana use. Since then, however, public opinion about cannabis, the attitude of the scientific medical community, and state laws have changed. All of this can’t help but lead to a change in policy for a company like Amazon, especially as the company experiences a staffing shortage and seeks to hire new employees.

Good news, Amazon recently announced it would stop drug testing its employees and job applicants for cannabis use and would take it like alcohol. In this article, I would explain how everything is working now (as of the beginning of June 2021) and how it would work after the company would adopt a new drug testing policy.

How everything works now (as of the beginning of June 2021)

Now the company’s policy on drug tests is quite strict. So let’s look at it from the job applicant’s point of view. First you have to go through the hiring proccess, which consists of several steps:

  • Interview with the operation manager of the warehouse you want to work for will interview you to decide whether you can proceed to the second step.
  • Background check including asking questions about your personal information and work experience
  • Passing through the drug test

Of course, depending on the position you are applying for, the company might add more steps, but in any case you should pass a drug test now.

After you’ve gone to work and gotten a position, you can relax a little bit and just work (but you would need to go through Orientation process as well, when company employee would explain you what you exactly should do on your position).

Does Amazon take a drug test on the first interview?

No, you don’t have to take a drug test at the first interview, it is always the last step of the application process (no matter how many steps you have to take).

Can you be drug tested during the Amazon Orientation period?

Orientation is the period when you have to learn your responsibilities for the position you have taken. And no, the company does not conduct a drug test during the orientation period, because you have already passed the drug test as the final step of the application proccess.

You will simply be trained in security policy, your professional responsibilities and other things related to your job at Amazon.

Should you pass a drug test on the first working day in Amazon?

No, Amazon won’t test you for drugs on your first day of work, but you may be the right person to take a random test that day.

Does Amazon take random drug tests?

Yes, the company does random drug tests, so you may be one of the employees the company tests. However, random testing means that you may never be tested during your time at Amazon (or you may be tested more than once, depending on the case).

Frankly, the company has tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands of employees) and is the second private employer in the US, so your chances of being tested are not high.

However, the odds increase if you are working with equipment that, if used improperly, could be dangerous to your life or the lives and health of other employees. But even then, your chances of getting tested are not very high. However, you are more likely to be tested if you cause any kind of accident.

What kind of drug test does Amazon take?

Amazon conducts mouth swabs on employees. This is one of the most basic tests that can be performed to detect drugs that a person has used within the last 24 hours. Of course, this is an approximate figure that depends on the characteristics of the human body, some people may have traces of drugs in their body up to 40 hours, while others disappear after 20-22 hours.

What drugs are tested by Amazon?

A mouth swab can detect a fairly wide range of popular drugs, including cannabis, opiates, meth, and cocaine.

How Amazon new drug tests policy will work

On June 1, 2021, the company announced that it would change its cannabis policy. This is due to changes in the laws of many states, as more states are allowing cannabis for recreational or medical use.

The company will now treat cannabis use by employees or job applicants the same as alcohol use and will not restrict such employees from working at Amazon warehouses.

Does it mean Amazon will no longer conduct drug tests?

No, the company will still conduct drug tests with mouth swab, because this test can detect not only smoking weed, but also more serious (and illegal) drugs such as cocaine, meth or opiates. However, if you are found to have smoked weed last night, for example, it will be treated the same as if you drank alcohol last night. That is, you will still be hired or not suspended from work if you’re already in.

Also, the company will still do random drug tests with mouth swabs, but if you just smoke pot after work, you have nothing else to worry about.

Moreover, the company will still conduct drug tests and alcholol tests in case of any accidents.

Amazon has stated that the company will actively support the Marijuana Reinvestment and Withdrawal Act of 2021 (MORE Act). This is federal cannabis legalization legislation that legalizes marijuana at the federal level.

Does Amazon drug test for weed after new policies would be applied?

In the case of the application drug test or random drug test, the company will no longer pay attention to weed. I don’t know if Amazon’s medical staff will note this somehow in their reports, but in any case the company will not pay attention to traces of weed in your body.

However, in the case of accidents, the company will test for alcohol and drugs, including weed, to determine whether the accident occurred because you were under the influence of weed, other drugs, or alcohol, or for unrelated reasons.


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