How to cancel GrubHub order in a few easy steps

Andrea Davis / unsplash

Nowadays, more and more people have a tendency to turn to delivery services rather than dining out at restaurants. This is especially true for Generation Z, as this age group spends apps half of their money on eating out. The deal offered by meal delivery services is undeniable, especially since it gives you an opportunity to relax and let other people do your essential needs. It may be more expensive than cooking at home, but in most cases, convenience wins out.

As most restaurants offer takeaway and delivery services, more and more food ordering apps have emerged during the past years. GrubHub is one of the most popular services that remains demanded during the years. GrubHub offers you a search for local restaurants according to your location and gives you the ability to takeaway or delivery, depending on your needs. 

Not rarely do people order something by mistake. In that case, you would probably want to cancel the order. So, the information below will help you to understand how to cancel a GrubHub order.

How does a GrubHub work

There is nothing difficult in order, as all food delivery apps are designed in a simple way, so if you’ve ordered through a food delivery app before, you probably won’t have any trouble using the GrubHub food delivery app. All you have to do is download the app or visit the GrubHub website, and then type in your address or the address where you want the food to be delivered. GrubHub will then offer you a range of all the available restaurants you can order from according to the place you will be at that moment.

If you don’t have a desire to have an order from a particular restaurant, but want to satisfy your needs, the app also has several filters that you can apply to your search to narrow down the list which will satisfy your wiliness. For example, you can narrow your search to a specific dish, type of restaurant, cuisine, or city.

The app gives you an opportunity to see how far the restaurant is located from your location and the approximate time which your order will take to be delivered. GrubHub has several payment methods, so you can choose the most convenient one for you. Some of the options include Android Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, or credit card.

How to cancel a GrubHub order in the app

In order to cancel a GrubHub order in the app, you should do a few simple steps which will be shown below:

  • First of all, you should open the GrubHub app on your smartphone and sign in to your account.
  • After that, you should click on the “Orders” tab which is located at the bottom of the screen.
  • Then, you should select the order that you would like to cancel.
  • Next, click on the “Order Details” option and choose “Cancel”.
  • In the end, the service will ask you to provide them with the reason for the cancellation. After you have cancelled the order, submit it.

After you have completed these steps, your GrubHub order will be canceled. In case, if you have any questions or troubles, you can contact or call directly the restaurant.

What does GrubHub+ mean

Grubhub+ is an option that is offered by the service. It is a monthly subscription, where you can enjoy free delivery each time when your order will reach a minimum of $12 or more if you have paid for a membership. Moreover, the service offers not only this benefit, but you can also take other benefits of exclusive member-only privileges.

All in all, it is a simple process.