How to delete a message in GroupMe in a few simple steps

oatawa / pixabay

GroupMe is a service that may quickly become busy. Things can get cluttered sometimes, if you are a part of some lively groups or, also, use the service for work purposes.

You may want to keep things simple and remove some messages from the main view to be able to concentrate on others. Even when you hide the messages from the view, they still exist in GroupMe and will still be available for access in your app. Literally, hiding is a great theory but doesn’t work as well as it may in practice.

For instance, when you have hidden messages from a specific group or individual and then they message you, to the feedback you need to go and dig out that hidden chat to be able to view that message and respond. The features in GroupMe still exist even if they are not simple in managing.

How to delete GroupMe messages

The only way to delete your messages is by clearing the chat history. This works to keep your app window under control but doesn’t delete the messages. Those messages will not appear on your app, but still will exist and be accessible in other people’s apps. To clear your history chats in GroupMe you should follow a few simple steps:

  • First, select the group or individual whose chat you want to be cleared.
  • Then, tap on the avatar and select “Settings”
  • Click on “CLear chat history” and tap on “Clear” to confirm.

After doing that, chat with this individual or a group of people will be cleared. This process id irreversible, so you should be sure, that you have saved everything you need from the chat before you have deleted it. This process only clears the chat from one side, your side. The group of people or individuals will still be able to access their side of the conversation.

How to hide GroupMe messages

Hiding messages will remove chats from your view, but won’t delete them. In this way, you may clear the app and have some new places for new chats. The only drawback is that once you hide the chat, if someone messages you to that chat, you have to find hidden chats to be able to see and respond to the message.

To hide a GroupMe message you should:

  • First, you should select the message and long press it in the app.
  • After that, click on “Hide message”.

By doing that, you will hide the message, but you will still be able to find it whenever you want.

To access hidden messages you should:

  • Select the avatar of the group or individual and click on “Settings“.
  • Tap on “Unhide Hidden Messages“.

Take a note that if someone replies to your hidden message, you will need to do the process upper each time you hide it. It is possible only to respond to unhidden messages.