How to get Heirloom shards In Apex Legends – here’s what you should know

Axville / Unsplash

Those who play Apex Legends have at least once seen a melee weapon designed for a specific character in the game. This is called an Heirloom, which does not get to everyone at once, and lots of players are waiting for a moment when they open the next pack and see the red materials.

Their rarity can be explained by the fact that it is almost impossible to get them by yourself or buy them directly.

Heirloom Shards are great for people who have been playing Apex Legends frequently and want to customize their experience. The Shards themselves have no effect on gameplay or your skills in the game, but they help you create rare items for each character with a very cool melee attack animation.

It’s very interesting that some players may wait for Heirloom Shards since the game’s release, while others are luckier and get the opportunity to create an Heirloom item the first time they play the game. This kind of randomness frustrates a lot of people because it doesn’t seem quite fair.

In this article, you will learn what Heirloom Shards are, the Heirloom itself and how to get them.

What are Apex Legends Heirloom Shards

Heirloom Shards are super rare materials that can only be used to create Heirloom. The latter is a small set of unique items that meet the aesthetics of the character, an equally unique voice line, and a banner pose.

Despite the variety of legendary skins, having an Heirloom in Apex Legends is considered a sign of coolness.

How to get Heirloom Shards

One thing to note, Heirloom Shards can only be obtained from Apex packs, which you can get when you level up in the game. But these packs can also be received in other ways. Below are some of them:

  • One of the easiest and fastest ways is to buy Apex packs directly. But in the Store tab you can often see bargains where many packs are sold for a good price
  • The other way is slower, but it can increase the chances of getting Heirloom Shards. This is the purchase of Battle Pass. In addition to the packs that you will receive as you grow in the game, you will also receive packs through Battle Pass. And it has the most reasonable price, not mentioning you only pay once (in case you play quite often)

Simply put, the more Apex packs you have opened, the closer you are to the Heirloom Shards.

How many Apex packs you should open to get Heirloom Shards

Because the chance of getting Heirloom Shards is 1 to 500, the latter is such a value in the Apex community. Thus, you need to open 500 Apex packs to be guaranteed to get Heirloom Shards or have a very high chance of getting it.

If you want to know approximately how many packs you have left to open, there’s a website called Apex Packs Calculator that lists all the seasons and events in which you’ve been active. By entering your data, the program will calculate how many packs you have already opened and how many are left until the long-awaited 500th pack.

The sad thing is if you don’t remember all of these numbers, you are not likely to get an accurate result.

And that’s all for now! Don’t be frustrated if you still have no heirloom, it may take some time but eventually, you will become a proud owner of the one.