How to turn on comments on TikTok

How to turn on comments on TikTok
Olivier Bergeron / Unsplash

TikTok has become an extremely popular video-making app. Its main advantage is that you can convey enough information in a short video to make it interesting to the person watching your video. The app has a built-in video editor that makes it easier and faster to edit your creative video.

Once you’ve uploaded your video, your subscribers as well as users who will be scrolling through the comment feed will be able to see it. In addition, subscribers and users of the app will not only be able to like and share your video but also leave a comment. That way people can express their opinions about your video. Of course, comments are not always positive. Sometimes you may find that someone has left a negative comment about your video. If you don’t want that kind of comment under your video, you’ll probably want to turn it off altogether. So no one can write anything under your video. But what if you want to turn comments back on?

So, here is how to turn on comments on TikTok.

How to enable coments on TikTok video

If you want to enable comments on your TikTok video, you have to follow these steps:

  • First of all, open the TikTok app on your smartphone and sign in, if necessary.
  • After that, go to your profile and select the video you want to edit by enabling comments.
  • Then, tap on the “three dots” icon to open the menu option at the bottom of the screen.
  • Select “Privacy and Settings” menu.
  • Enable the comments for the video you have selected by tapping on the “Allow Comments” option.

How to enable comments for all TikTok videos

If you want to enable comments for all your TikTok videos, you have to follow these steps:

  • Open the TikTok app on your smartphone and sign in, if necessary.
  • Navigate to your profile and tap on the “three dots” icon to open the menu option.
  • Then, select “Privacy and Safety” menu.
  • Tap on the “Who Can Post Comments Options” in the “Safety” section.
  • Now, you can enable comments only for friends, for all, or disable at all. Just choose an appropriate option.

How to change age on TikTok

If you want to change your age on TikTok, you can email the TikTok support team to request a change or you can do it through the app’s Support menu. Here’s how to do this:

  • First of all, open the TikTok app and sign into your account.
  • Go to your profile and tap on the “three lines” icon in the top-right.
  • In the “Settings and Privacy” menu, scroll down and select “Report a Problem”.
  • After that, select “Account and Profile”.
  • Tap “Editing profile”.
  • Choose “Other” and “Need more help?” option.
  • This will take you to a feedback form where you can enter a text request to change the wrong date of birth on your account.

Once you have completed these steps, your age will be changed on TikTok.