Samsung Sollar Cell remote (TM2180E, TM2180F, TM2180A, TM2180B): here’s what to know

Steve Johnson \ Unsplash

2021 is here, and the new smart remotes are here, too. Samsung also introduced new smart remotes. It is worth noting that smart remotes, unlike regular remotes, have the function of controlling more devices in the house, rather than focusing only on your TV. But in this article, you will find out about a slightly different smart remote control and its interesting feature to save energy.

Samsung is outfitting the 2021 TVs with new remote control. Although the look of the remote remains largely unchanged, the remote has received some improvements.

What is the remote from the Samsung 2021 SolarCell

Today, the remote control is far from being a simple accessory to control your TV, now more important is what determines how comfortable you will be with your TV.

Smart Remote Samsung 2021 has a commercial name SolarCell Remote, which is registered by Samsung, so we can assume that it will be used for Samsung remotes in the next few years.

It is a next-generation magic remote that has almost the same features but also has solar panels installed in the remote.

How TM2180E Solar Cell remote control is different

The main difference, compared to previous “smart” remotes, is the use of solar cells to recharge the “smart” remote control.

When light hits the cells (room light or natural light), these cells produce electrical energy. According to Samsung, this innovation will save about 99 million batteries per year. For the sake of interest, let’s think about how this figure came about. Assuming that you change the batteries in your remote control twice a year. As the remote uses two batteries, these numbers would be real if the company will sell at least 25 million TVs in 2021 with these remotes.

How the TM2180E SolarCell works

When you will not use the remote control, you can place it in a well-lit place and the solar cells will generate electricity and your remote control can work without wasting battery power. The electricity generated is used to run the remote control, if the amount of electricity generated is not enough, the electricity from the batteries will be used.

Tests have shown that the TM2180 consumes 86% less electricity (these tests likely took into account the current the batteries produce during operation). From these studies, we can assume that the batteries in the new Samsung TM2180 remotes will last about 7 times longer than the batteries in Samsung TVs produced between 2017 and 2020.

What are the differences between TM2180E TM2180F, TM2180A, TM2180B

The letters in the remote control number (A, B, F, E) indicate the modification of the remote control. Different countries offer remote control models adapted to specific user preferences, e.g. Amazon Prime video is popular in the USA, Canada, Mexico, while in other countries this service is unpopular, and the Amazon button can be replaced with another button for streaming video service.