Welcome to The New Splaitor

Vladislav Mashirenko


This is a letter about the new phase of Splaitor, a website centered on the intersection of business, technology, and culture. We are now launching a redesign and want to make Splaitor the kind of place we want it to be (and the kind of place we want to use every day).

It’s common to write about missions and big goals in such letters. There are a lot of pathos words that are not really about anything.

Sorry, we don’t have a broad mission just because that’s impossible in the current Web.

How can you come up with a mission in a world where hundreds of other sites write about the same things you do? There’s CNET, Business Insider, Forbes, Gizmodo, The Verge, Lifehacker, Mashable. And they’re all doing the same thing we’re doing – writing about what they hope will attract an audience and pique their interest.

So why do we write? First and foremost, because it’s our way of life. In practical and figurative terms. We make money from it and satisfy our desire to write about what interests us.

And I guess that’s our mission or our goal. Just to write and do things the way we like them to look. Nothing else. Sometimes, you open up other sites and think, “Well, no, I don’t agree with that.” So, in fact, Splaitor is primarily our way of reflecting on the information we know or recognize.

For example, I just got interested in who was the first astronaut to tweet. I read other articles and thought, “Well, no, I disagree.” So I went and wrote my own article. It’s actually easy if you have a website where you can send your thoughts.

Of course, we strive to do things in the best way possible and all that. But it’s primarily about the fact that we like to receive things as we go to see them.

And nothing more.


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