What is R3 on PS4 controller explained

Garrett Morrow / pexels

If someone asks about game consoles in the mind of many the first thing that comes to console PS4. Sony released the PlayStation 4 in November 2013. Since then, it has become one of the most recognizable and sought-after consoles in the world. Although the next generation of consoles introduced by PS5 has already been released, many people still prefer PS4. There are even those who have decided only to buy it. This still makes sense, because now the console is still supported by developers and it comes out with a lot of new games. In addition, for 8 years of its existence, it has accumulated just a huge library of the most diverse titles. Everyone will find a project to their liking.

What is DualShock 4

DualShock 4 is a gamepad designed specifically for the PS4 console. It features a touchpad, gyroscope, accelerometer, vibration, mono speaker, and backlighting. The gamepad also has a micro-unit port for charging, headphone input, and expansion port.

If you decide to buy a PS4 you will have to spend all your time playing games with this controller in your hands. This can be very unusual for people who have never used a console before. But experience shows that learning to play with the Dualshock 4 controller is quite easy. The first thing you should learn is where the buttons are located. Almost all of them are numbered and marked with special symbols to make them easy to find. But there are also hidden buttons that are located in non-obvious places. For example, the P3 and L3 buttons.

Where are the R3 and L3 button

When first getting acquainted with the Dwalshok controller, many people find it difficult to immediately understand where and what buttons are located. Buttons are quite a lot and also present two analog sticks, it is not surprising that you may not have noticed the R3 and L3 buttons. Although even after a complete inspection of the controller not everyone can immediately understand where they are.

These buttons are hidden from your eyes and are located inside the analog sticks. To press the lower one you have to push the stick. You will hear a distinctive click. These buttons are best used in games to switch your character from walking to running. Or, for example, to make your character duck and go into stealth mode. Also on these buttons often put the so-called “Eagle Eye” is a special mode in which important elements are highlighted, it is available in many games.

The release of the PS5 also DualSense Controller was released. Its button layout is as similar as possible to DualShock 4 and all the buttons from the last gamepad were transferred to the new one. This was done also because the games from PS4 are compatible with PS5, and it would be hard to play them if some of the buttons were missing.

What other hidden buttons are there in the DualShock controller

Among the non-obvious buttons, we can also highlight the fact that the touchpad in the center of the gamepad is also a button. To activate it, you just have to push it inside the gamepad. Most often it is used by the developers to open the map or the character’s skills menu.

There is another button that not everyone knows about. It is the reset button on your gamepad. It is located on the back of the gamepad near the L2 button. It is located in a small hole and to press it you need something very thin and sharp, like a pin or a paper clip.