Why is your TikTok under review


TikToks are fun to share. TikTok videos are a great way to share short content, and they’re gaining popularity, especially among Generation Z. Some even say it’s a new way to share content that will soon supplant traditional forms of content like text, short tweets, Instagram photos and stories and YouTube videos.

I’m a little skeptical about this, I think TikTok will remain a type of content, but it can’t supplant more traditional content.

However, the hard fact is that some videos get “TikTok video is under review.

If you’re making content, that can be a little frustrating. However, you need to understand the problem before you draw any conclusions.

What does it mean ‘TikTok video is under review’

In short, this means that TikTok’s algorithms have identified this video as something that could potentially violate the platform’s rules. Such videos will be published in your feed, but will have 0 views and will not be available to other users until they have been verified.

The algorithm automatically flags such videos, and they are then put on review. They will then be reviewed by a moderator who will decide whether or not the video can be made available to the public.

If your TikTok doesn’t violate the platform’s rules, it will then be allowed and other people will be able to see it.

If your TikTok violates the rules, however, the video won’t be accessible and will be deleted. Also, if the violation was serious, your account may also be banned.

Reasons why your TikTok may be under review

Here are 4 main reasons why your TikTok video may be under review:

  • Adult content (I hope you aren’t too insane to post sth like that)
  • Violent content
  • Immoral content
  • Copyright violations

Let’s look at each of the violations in more detail to understand what’s going on.

TikTok under review for adult content

TikTok is a platform for people ages 13+, so no adult content is allowed on it. If you have posted something that falls under this violation, your TikTok video will be under review.

You will most likely be banned for such content. So I hope you never even think about trying to post something like this.

TikTok under review for violent content

Since TikTok is a platform for users 13+, no content is allowed either.

If you have posted something like this (such as bloodshed), your TikTok video will also be under consideration.

Just like with the previous paragraph, I hope you will never publish such content. And if you have published, you will most likely get banned as well.

TikTok under review for immoral content

Immoral content is a broader category that is more difficult to define than the previous two. In general, immoral content is any content that violates societal norms of behavior.

For example, fighting or abusive videos.

Such content is also banned, so you’d better not post anything like that.

TikTok under review for copyright violations

While all three of the previous paragraphs refer to videos that intentionally violate TikTok’s rules, copyright violations are a broader area.

The thing is, copyright infringement can apply to just about any content you use in your TikTok. Including music or movie footage.

And while the previous three reasons are actual infringement, which is unlikely to be accidental, copyright infringement can be unintentional.

The best way to avoid such problems is to use only content that belongs to you or is under common license.

How to avoid your TikTok being under review

It’s simple enough – know the rules of TikTok and don’t post content that might violate the platform’s rules.

Including taking care not to use other people’s intellectual property in your videos.

If you follow the platform’s rules, your TikTok videos are unlikely of being placed under review.


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