GeForce RTX 4070 Ti is likely to cost less than expected

GeForce RTX 4070 Ti is likely to cost less than expected
Valeriy Odintsov / Splaitor

A few days ago, it was reported that NVIDIA was planning to set the NVIDIA RTX 4070 Ti price at $899. And now numerous sources from major portals have reported receiving a last-minute update from the company’s representatives. The information states that the initial recommended price of NVIDIA RTX 4070 Ti will be $799.

Some stores have already started taking orders at the recommended $899. However, they were told today that the tentative launch date is $799, and the difference will be adjusted for existing orders. Since we are closer to launch, this price will likely remain (although this is just a guess).

However, the recommended price could change at the last minute if company management wants it to. That is why this is still a rumor. But, of course, the most important reason is probably the fragile popularity of the NVIDIA RTX 4080, which has incredible difficulty selling off the shelves, unlike its more expensive counterpart – the NVIDIA RTX 4090.


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