Hey, The Sun, have you ever checked what you’re linking to?


I don’t like The Sun; I always think of it as a boulevard reading that isn’t worth attention. But hey, here’s what I’ve found.

Make it quick: Nao Medical is a clinic that has turned its blog into an AI-powered, low-quality content mill. There was a great article by Alana Semuels for TIME. I also wrote an article about their journey to generate over 15K articles daily of low-quality AI content.

And then, I found a link to the Nao Medical on one of The Sun’s articles. And they provide a Nao Medical as some kind of expert to talk about health. They’re referring to their AI-written content and using it as a source. I remind you, Sun is quite reputable around the Web. At least, it’s considered so.

And they’re using quotes from an extremely wordy article that cries, “Hey, that’s something wrong with me.” Their article in The Sun was written in July when Nao Medical posted thousands of articles daily.

But, well, I don’t care about Sun. But that’s a problem of AI-content flood. A “smart” clinic decided to post tons of content generated with AI in a couple of clicks. No problem, that’s their deal, and search engines will detect it and shut such mills down.

And then quite reputable websites (at least from the POV of how Google and other engines see them) come into play and use the “explanations” from this website without any thoughts to at least check the source and what is posted on that source. And that’s how misinformation and AI flood may spread; once it appears in some kind of Nao, Shmao, or any other mill, it would be caught by quite reputable sources that haven’t bothered themselves with a little fact-checking.

Really, to find that something was wrong with Nao, we needed 3 mins to read their website. But maybe 3 minutes is too much for busy Sun editors.


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