How do you know if your phone is charging

Solen Feyissa/Unsplash

If you bought a phone and have never used it before, it might be hard for you to know when your phone is charging all right. For different phones, the signs that they’re charging okay may be different. For example, for Apple and Android products, due to the differences in their interfaces, the indications that your phone is charging are different. Below, you can see exactly how to determine whether your phone is charging or not.

How to find out is your iPhone charging or not

If you own an iPhone, you may have noticed that when you connect the charger, your phone sometimes doesn’t immediately let you know that it’s charging. This happens both when the phone is on and when it’s completely discharged. In these cases, it’s better not to wait until the phone lets you know if it’s charging or not and check for sure. After all, if it isn’t charging because of a broken charger you might find out about it’s too late when you need a charged phone, but it turns out that all that time it wasn’t charging. Fortunately, as long as the iPhone is on and as long as it’s fully discharged, Apple lets you know if it’s charging or not. In order to find out if your phone is charging when it’s on, you need to:

  • Pay attention to the battery icon in the upper right corner of your screen. In its default state, it’s either white or red. The first means that your iPhone’s battery level is over 20 percent. The second means that the battery level is less than 20 percent. If it’s colored green and has a lightning symbol in the center, it means that your phone is charging.
  • If you want to check how full the battery is, use your iPhone’s “Control Center” to do so. At the top right, near the icon itself, you will see a number corresponding to the percentage of your battery charge.
  • In most cases, if you connect the charger to your iPhone while it’s turned on, it will emit a characteristic vibration. If it’s locked, then the screen will turn on and the battery icon will appear on the screen, colored green. Underneath the icon, you will see how much of your battery your phone has.

How to find out is your iPhone charging or not if it’s turned off

In case you haven’t charged your iPhone and you don’t know if it’s charging or not after you have put it on the charger, check the following:

  • In case you put your iPhone on the charge, and it’s charging, you’ll see an empty battery icon on the screen of the turned-off phone.
  • If your phone isn’t charging, and you’re trying to get it to respond by pressing any buttons, you will see the same battery icon with the charger icon at the bottom of the screen. This will mean that the phone hasn’t detected charging for some reason. It may be broken, or you may not have inserted it all the way into the slot.

How to find out is your not iPhone telephone charging or not

For other phones, the method is really the same. All you have to do is look at the battery icon at the top of the screen. If it’s green with a lightning bolt in the middle, your phone is charging. If not, then try correcting the charger or using a different one. With phones off it’s the same as with iPhones, only the icons may be visually different as the manufacturers are different. But they’re always intuitively understandable.