How to cancel Crunchyroll subscription in a few simple steps

Marília Castelli / Unsplash

Crunchyroll is a distributor, publisher, and online community that focuses on streaming a variety of content from Asian countries. This includes anime, manga, dorama, music, games, and more. But sometimes your interests may change within time or you just don’t like the service, luckily you can cancel the Crunchyroll Premium membership plan at any time and it is very easy and simple to do so. All you have to do is follow the advice in this article to quickly and easily solve the problem.

How to cancel Crunchyroll membership with credit card

If you have signed up with a credit card, follow the instructions.

First, you need to go to the website of Сrunchyroll. Use your browser and go to Crunchyroll’s main webpage. Next, you need to log in to your account. First, to log in, click on the login option placed on the top bar of the webpage.

Now, in the new window that opens up, provide the email address that you used to create the Crunchyroll account in the text box labeled ’email or username’ in the right section of the webpage. After you have done that, enter the password in the text box below that. Click on the login button.

Next, you need to go to the profile settings. These are located at the top of the bar. In the drop-down menu, you will see the ‘settings’ option. Click on it and you will see a new page in front of you, where on the left side will be the ‘premium membership status’ option under the account settings option. Opposite to this key, on the right, will be the Cancel button. Click on this ‘cancel’ button. Confirm the cancellation, if prompted.

You will be asked if you want to cancel the recurring payments or cancel the premium membership right away. In case you confirm the cancellation of the recurring payments, then you will be able to enjoy the premium membership until the next billing cycle. Instead, if you cancel the Crunchyroll membership, you will lose access to your Crunchyroll membership right away.

The latter relates to the trial version of membership.

How to cancel Crunchyroll membership on iTunes

For canceling on an iOS device using this guide:

If you use the app using iTunes, you can cancel your subscription on any Apple device – iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

  • Go to the settings app and open it. Enter your name with your Apple ID
  • Navigate to the subscription section and then to the Crunchyroll subscription. Ovre there tap on the Cancel subscription option

For canceling the Crunchyroll subscription on Mac follows these steps:

  • Go to the Apple app store and sign in with your Apple ID
  • Select the View Subscription option
  • Go to the subscription and click on the Manage option. Beside the Crunchyroll, click on the Manage option
  • Select the Cancel subscription option

How to cancel Crunchyroll membership with PayPal

For people who subscribe to Crunchyroll through PayPal, there is also an instruction:

  • Open a browser and go to the PayPal website
  • Sign in on the PayPal website
  • Go to the Crunchyroll subscription option and click on the Manage option
  • After that, select the Cancel option
  • Confirm the cancellation and accept it

Now you know how to cancel membership and stop paying recurring payments to Crunchyroll.