How to disable WiFi Direct on Roku TV

mohammed_hassan / pixabay

Roku WiFi-Direct operates on the same frequency as USD’s WiFi. WiFi-direct is used by Roku to connect some remotes which utilize and broadcast on the same channel which receives internet. When the other devices drop the signal intermittently or fail to connect or lower bandwidth it is caused by it. Additionally, interference mitigation is a feature of some Roku models. It is enabled by default. The traffic to nearby WiFi access points is disrupted by this technology in order to attempt to improve the local signals. These features can affect the performance of USD’s wireless network for everyone.

How to disable WiFi Direct on different models

Roku 2:

  • First, open the Roku Home Screen.
  • Tap on “Settings”.
  • Choose “Advanced system settings” from the System submenu.
  • Click on “Device connect”.
  • Select “Disable device connect”.
  • After that, you will not be able to see the Roku WiFi Direct network.

Roku 3:

  • Open the Roku Home Screen.
  • Tap on next 10 buttons quickly: HOME-HOME-HOME-HOME-HOME-FFWD-PLAY-REWIND-PLAY-FFWD. Take a note that the HOME button is the button with a picture of a house.
  • Choose “Wireless secret screen”.
  • Select “Interference”.
  • Tap on “None”.
  • You shouldn’t reboot the Roku as this should resolve the issue.

Roku device connects on Smart TVs and older Roku devices:

  • Open “Settings screen” of the Roku device.
  • Choose “System”.
  • Tap on “Advance system settings”.
  • Click on “Device” connect.
  • That is all.

What is the difference between WiFi and WiFi direct

Everyone uses WiFi and Bluetooth every day, but what if we combine those two features? Actually, it has already been done, and the consequence is WiFi Direct.

A technology that allows devices such as computers or smartphones to connect directly to each other without any wires is called WiFi Direct. It enables devices to establish direct communication using radio and makes it easy to transfer files at fast speeds, print, play games, etc. So WiFi Direct is basically used to connect your device to the traditional network, which demands wires, wirelessly.

Before WiFi Direct people used WiFi. It is a wireless communication technology with lots of uses, but the main purpose of usage is accessing the Internet. An everyday user is connecting to a wireless router and accessing the Internet through this device. The router is a device that creates an access point that you can see on your smartphone or computer when you’re looking for a network to connect to. You just should choose the one you would like to connect to, enter the password if it is required, and here you are, you are set to access the web.

Sometimes, you don’t have access to the router, in this case, you need to share some data between two connected devices.

So, the main differences between WiFi Direct and WiFi are:

  • WiFi Direct works directly between devices. You don’t need any extra devices such as router or a traditional wireless network.
  • WiFi Direct doesn’t give you an access to the Internet.

So, now you understand the differences and know how to use WiFi Direct by following some simple steps.