How to export data from Flo

Jenny Ueberberg / Unsplash

Any woman would agree that in today’s world, it makes life easier to have a smart app on your smartphone to track your cycle. It will store information about your period each month and, if necessary, export to another device all the data that has been filled in about women’s health for months. Fortunately, there are many such apps today, the most popular with users is Flo.

What you need to do to export data from the Flo app

Flo monthly tracking app is the most downloaded in the Health and Fitness category. It’s an assistant in a woman’s life, at absolutely different stages of her life, whether she wants to track her cycle, is planning a pregnancy, or is expecting a baby.

If your goal is to monitor your health and track your period, you will be able to enter data about your symptoms during ovulation, PMS, clearly see the dates of your period for several months ahead. If you’re planning a pregnancy, it’s convenient to keep track of your fertile days and make notes to share with your doctor later.

If you’re already pregnant you can watch how the baby develops in the womb in every week of pregnancy, record all the sensations and also have access to information resources to deepen the topic of interest.

Therefore, it may be necessary to export and import data, as the information is entered into the app for months or even years. It would be inconvenient for any stage of your life if you lose access to the data, or vice versa, if you need to share the data with another device.

What steps to take to export data from the Flo app

The Flo app will allow you to export data to a ‘JSON’ portable file containing numeric values without any graphical information. Then you can transfer this data to another app that supports this function. In fact, the steps to export data are simple, you just need to make a couple of clicks:

  • The first step to export is to open Flo. Next, select the ‘Menu’ and the ‘Help’ section.
  • After that, find the lowest item ‘Didn’t find the answer’ and click on ‘Contact us’, and in the ‘Description’ section specify that you’re interested in the data export request.

What steps to take to import data into Flo app

There are times when you need to import all of your cycle information into an app. For example, when you first start using Flo. This can only be done fairly quickly if the app that you used before is synchronized with the ‘Health’ program. If possible, transfer the data from there. To import the information you need to:

  • First, you need to activate syncing between your app and the ‘Health’by selecting all categories of data to transfer.
  • Then in the ‘Settings’, you need to sync the Health app and Flo. Go to the ‘Settings’ section of the Flo, select ‘The Health App’ and drag the ‘Connect to the Health App’ slider in the new window. After that, all the selected data will be transferred to the Flo.

Do you need a paid subscription to use Flo app

In fact, to give an unambiguous answer to this question is quite difficult, it’s more individual. If you just want to leave notes and track your cycle, you can easily do without a subscription. However, if you are interested in reading and learning more about your body, women’s health, then a subscription will be necessary.

Specifically, a paid subscription also includes information about improved machine learning algorithms, personalized information based on your symptoms and cycle phase. Tools to detect patterns in your physical and emotional state, that is, a complete health report that you can provide to your doctor. The ‘Insights’ section has all the articles you could possibly need to get your questions answered.

That’s why it makes sense to first use the trial version which is free for 30 days so that you can figure out if you need all these extra features and if they will apply to your life. If you’re willing to pay $7.99 a month or $39.99 a year in the app you need to click on the ‘Choose your plan’ column and make your choice.