How to record TV programs on a Samsung TV


Let’s talk a little bit about how you can record TV shows (and if you can at all). To be honest, it seems like a totally useless idea to me, but maybe it could be useful to you, so I won’t discourage you.

Although in the era of streaming, recording any content manually from the air looks like a pretty amazing task.

Can you record on a Samsung TV?

Yes, you can. There’s a special app, called PVR (Personal Video Recorder) or HD Digital Video Recorder, that can help you with this purpose. It’s built-in Samsung’s Tizen OS, so you can use it to record TV programs on your Samsung TV.

As Samsung TVs have DVR, that means that you can record any content on USB, flash drive or HDD.

Can I record live TV on my Samsung Smart TV?

Yes, you can, but there are some pitfalls. In general, you can record any live program, whether it is broadcast on cable TV, Internet TV, or satellite.

However, you can only record such a program if it isn’t encoded. If it is encrypted, then you have no legal way to record it (which implies that you can use the recording to distribute content illegally).

Also, you won’t be able to record content that is protected by copyright. For example, content that you watch through any media, content from a streaming service, or from an Internet website. This sounds harsh, but it’s just a copyright protection measure.

What Samsung TV do you need to record TV programs

And so, let’s say you really want to record programs on your TV and now you want to choose a TV that will definitely support this function (or at least know if your TV supports it). Let’s put aside my lack of understanding why you might want to do this (no, really, I get asked this so often that I really wonder what exactly people want to record. If you don’t mind, post in the comments).

Sorry for the offtop, let’s concentrate on the important questions.

First, depending on the region for which the TV is sold, this option may not be supported. The reason is that copyright laws differ from country to country. However, at the hardware and software level, almost any Samsung Smart TV can record digital programs, just in some regions this function can be disabled.

Second, only Samsung Smart TVs from 2015 (and beyond) support recording analog programs. The fact is that earlier TVs had too low-power processors to convert analog signals into digital video and audio content.

How does TV programs recording work on a Samsung TV

It’s simple enough. First, you must plug in a USB, flash or hard drive and it will be formatted in NFTS format (so do not use drives with important information).

After that, the TV will create audio and video content of the TV program you were recording. And then, your Samsung TV’s DVR or PVR will encode it so it can only be viewed on the TV that made the recording.

How to start recording of TV program on Samsung TV

It’s simple, here’s what you should do:

  • Connect USB, flash, or hard drive to your Samsung TV
  • Choose TV channel you want to be recorded
  • If you have Smart Remote than you need to press on the colored button (it looks like below)
How to record programs on Samsung TV
  • Press this button to choose the Record Menu
  • If your TV has a standard remote, you can use REC button or choose Recording from the menu

Can you watch recorded content on another TV?

Unfortunately, you cannot watch recorded programs on other TVs (unless you make program manipulations, of course). The point is that in this way the TV protects the copyrights of content owners and prevents the illegal distribution of content.

Of course, you can route your PVR or DVR and get an opportunity to watch recorded content on other TVs, but I strictly recommend not to do this. You have to admit, living in a world where the law reigns is much more pleasant than in anarchy, so don’t break it, even in such seemingly small things.

Why I can’t watch recorded programs on the same Samsung TV?

These things happen too, don’t be frightened. There are only two options here. The first option is that your flash, USB or hard drive has failed (and this is very unlikely). The second one is that the content you recorded was restricted by the copyright holder.

Samsung is always in contact with the holders of the rights to the content and if the holder of the rights to any content has decided to restrict access to it, you will no longer be able to watch it on record.

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