TikTok denies reports that it’s been hacked

Vladimir Sereda / Splaitor Media

A couple of days ago, a user called AgainstTheWest posted, screenshots of TikTok and WeChat hacking. This person reported that they haven’t decided what they want to do yet, sell this data or make it available to the public. The author said that 2 billion records and 790 GB of user data were extracted from the platform statistics database. In addition, user BlueHornet|AgainstTheWest also claims to have stolen the “internal backend source code”.

What does TikTok say?

After such claims, TikTok denies reports that it has been hacked. They were claiming this after a hacker group published images of a TikTok database containing the platform’s source code and information about TikTok users. Along with this, TikTok stated that its team found no evidence of a security breach.

Troy Hunt is an employee of the data breach information site Haveibeenpwned, he reported that after a lengthy analysis he concluded that the evidence was not conclusive. Hunt goes on to say that there is some evidence that matches production information, but it’s in the public domain anyway.

Despite this, many TikTok users are worried about their data and want more details and guidance. A TikTok spokesperson reports that users don’t need to take any proactive action. Thus, they remain committed to the security of our global community. However, if you want to secure your data in the future you can set up two-factor authentication on your account.


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