What to do if you can’t find Apple TV app on your Samsung TV

Vladimir Sereda / Splaitor Media

When it comes to choosing the TV, many users prefer Samsungs for their quality. The quality of the picture and sound is impressive on Samsung TVs. However, nowadays, users prefer casting to watching cable TV. For those cases, users choose Smart TV. However, in case you have a regular one, you can also turn it into a Smart TV.

Set-top boxes are chosen quite often to make it possible to cast and use streaming platforms on regular TVs. One of the most common ones is Apple TV. However, sometimes, users may face issues, when Apple TV can’t be found on their TVs and users get disappointed. Fortunately, there are some solutions to this problem.

Why you can’t find the Apple TV app on your Samsung TV

When users buy the Apple TV, they hope that it would work with any TV. The same case may be with Samsung users. However, it’s important to find out all the information about the device before you buy it in order not to get disappointed in the end. There can be several reasons why Apple TV isn’t working on your Samsung TV.

One of the most common reasons is that your Samsung TV isn’t compatible with the Apple TV. Before purchasing any set-top box, you should look at the list of compatible devices with it. There’s a wide selection of devices that can be used with Apple TV, but, unfortunately, there are still some of them that can’t be used with Apple TV.

Another common reason is that your Apple TV or Samsung TV has some bugs. However, this issue can be easily solved, as the only thing that you need to do is to restart your devices and check whether it helped or not.

How to fix Apple TV isn’t working on Samsung TV

As was mentioned before, the first and the simplest way to solve the issue is to reload the devices. However, in case this doesn’t work, you can try to reset them, as the reset process helps to delete all the bugs that can be faced while using the device. However, all the personal info, the watching history, etc is also deleted. So, to reset the Apple TV, you should follow the steps which would be mentioned in the section below:

  • First of all, you should open Settings.
  • After that, you should select the “Reset Apple TV app and Apple Music” option, or the “Reset Apple TV+ app” option, on your Smart TV.
  • Then, you should confirm your choice.

Since then, all the bugs and issues of your device should be resolved. You can try to use it again and see whether the method has worked or not. In most cases, all the bugs are resolved and you’ll be able to enjoy your watching experience with your Apple TV.

How to download and manage apps on Samsung Smart TVs

Surely, when you know that your set-top box is working properly, you want to use it. However, before you start enjoying your watching experience, you should download the app on your Samsung TV. Unfortunately, some users, especially new ones, may get confused about how to download apps and manage them, but if it’s your case, you shouldn’t worry. To do that, you should follow the steps which would be mentioned in the section below:

  • First of all, you should press the Home button on your remote control.
  • After that, you should tap on APPS and then click on the “Search” icon in the top-right corner.
  • Then, you should fill in the app you want to be downloaded and then choose it. There would be details about the app as well as screenshots and related apps displayed.
  • To finish the process, you should click on the “Install” option.

Since then, you’ll be able to install any app that you need on your Samsung TV. After that, you’ll be able to use your Apple TV and watch a huge selection of content that is offered there only in a few clicks.

How to connect your Apple TV to your TV

Before you can fully use the opportunities and capabilities that are offered by Apple TV, you should know how to connect the set-top box to your Samsung TV, as without this step you won’t be able to enjoy the content that is provided by this device. Fortunately, there’s nothing difficult and you need to spend only a few minutes. So, to do that, you should follow the prompts which would be mentioned in the section below:

  • First of all, you should plug in one end of an HDMI cable to the HDMI port on your Apple TV.
  • After that, you should plug in the other end to the HDMI port on your TV. 
  • Then, you should plug in one end of the power cord to the power port on your Apple TV and the other end to a power port
  • Next, you should switch on your TV.
  • To complete the process, you should choose the HDMI input that’s connected to your Apple TV.

Since then, the Apple TV would be connected to your TV. In case you had a regular TV before, with Apple TV it would be converted to a Smart one in a few minutes. After that, you can use your Samsung TV to watch any movies or TV shows you like and enjoy a good evening with your family or friends.

How to cast your phone to your TV via Apple TV

Not everyone knows, but it’s also possible to stream the content from your phone to your TV. Apple TV gives this great opportunity for iPhone users. You can even watch movies, videos, and photos on a bigger screen. So, to do that, you should follow the steps which would be mentioned in the section below:

  • First of all, you should open the Control Center.
  • After that, you should click on the AirPlay icon.
  • To complete the process, you should choose your device from the list.

Since then, all the info from your iPhone would be transferred to a bigger screen, so that everyone would be able to watch the content which you have on your iPhone. This is very convenient, especially, if you want to show a great video from your Photos app to many people. However, to be always able to use all the features of your Samsung TV, you should keep it updated.