Yes, you can cancel FuboTV before free trial ends: here’s how

Julian O'hayon / Unsplash

When you decide to subscribe to FuboTV, you may want to unsubscribe when your trial expires. However, is it possible to do this when your trial period isn’t over yet? For example, you changed your mind or you don’t like the service. You can solve this question by reading this article because there are four ways to unsubscribe from FuboTV.

How to check status of your subscription on FuboTV

If you decide to sign up for FuboTV first to try some plans, have your credit or debit cards ready. You’ll need them to link your account to your payment method. Next, some plans may charge immediately, but most offer a free trial week so you can evaluate the service.

When the time expires, you will be notified that at a certain time you will be automatically deducted a particular amount of fee per month.

On your FutoTV account, you can also see the status of your subscription:

  • Go to the Fubo TV website
  • Click on your profile. Your current profile is next to the search box
  • Click My Account

That is, you can cancel your subscription at any time during the trial.

How to cancel FuboTV before free trial expires

Next, several methods will be provided, depending on your device.

Canceling free trial via website

  • On your browser, launch main FuboTV website
  • Sign in by providing your username and password. You will see this option on the top right of the screen
  • Click your profile, then select My Account
  • Go to the subscription and billing
  • Select the option Cancel subscription followed by Cancel my Trial

Also, after you unsubscribe, you have to confirm it via an e-mail that FuboTV will send you. If you do not automatically receive the letter, it’s better to call support at 8445511005.

Canceling free trial via Roku TV

Please note that you will only be able to cancel your Roku subscription if you only purchased it through RokuTV.

  • Press the home button on your Roku Tv remote
  • Navigate to the Fubo Tv app, then click the star key on your remote
  • Choose manage subscription, then Cancel Subscription
  • Click once again, cancel the subscription select Done

You should then see a message telling you that you have successfully unsubscribed. If not, check it on the Roku website under Manage subscriptions.

Canceling free trial via Apple TV

There is nothing complicated here, just use these instructions:

  • While using your Apple TV, press the Home button on your Apple TV remote
  • Scroll down with your remote and find Settings
  • Click on Users and Accounts, then choose your Account
  • Select Subscriptions, then Choose FuboTV   
  • Click on Cancel Subscriptions and select Confirm

Canceling free trial via iOS device

Even if you do not have the ability to use your TV at a particular moment, there is a solution to unsubscribe from FuboTV through any iOS device. Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to settings apps on your phone using the gear icon
  • Click on Apple ID, then tap subscriptions
  • Tap FuboTV followed by Cancel subscriptions, then click confirm

And these are all options on how to cancel a free trial on FuboTV. You are able to do it anytime before it expires.