Google Chrome will stop supporting Windows 7 in 2023

Google Chrome will stop supporting Windows 7 in 2023
Vladimir Sereda / Splaitor Media

Google reports it will release the final Chrome version for Windows 7 and 8.1 next year. Chrome 110 is tentatively scheduled for release on Feb. 7, 2023.

Microsoft officially stopped supporting Windows 7 in 2020, although statistics show that the OS is still running on many devices. Last year, that number was estimated to be at least 100 million PCs. Many people may soon be using an unsupported operating system and an unsupported web browser, which could pose a significant security risk.

Chrome will still work after version 110, but it won’t get any future updates on Windows 7 or 8.1. So if you’re still using one of these older operating systems, upgrading it as soon as possible is a good idea. That way, you’ll be able to get security updates and take advantage of the latest features and security improvements in Chrome.


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