How does Netflix want to change subscription terms and pricing?

Vladimir Sereda / Splaitor Media

Streaming service Netflix may price the new ad-supported subscription tier at $7 to $9 per month. This will allow subscribers to pay nearly half as much. In return, you’ll have to watch ads before and during the video.

What do Netflix subscribers get?

Along with the change in subscription costs, we should expect that the terms of viewing content on the streaming service may also change. Reportedly, Netflix is considering introducing advertising. To result in an opportunity to attract budget viewers and provide a non-annoying experience.

To get just that, the company plans to sell about four minutes of ads per hour. There will be commercials during and before some programs, but not after. Along with this stated that Netflix has no plans to air commercials during children’s programs.

The plan is for these changes to begin rolling out in at least six markets during the last three months of this year. Along with that, a full launch could be in 2023.

In fact, along with these changes, we should expect the removal of the Netflix account password exchange fee shortly. In the spring, when the company announced the loss of subscribers, it was announced that the company was considering a cheaper ad-supported option. So if it’s getting close to advertising, we should also expect a fee for sharing passwords.


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