How to cancel DAZN subscription

How to cancel DAZN subscription
Stuart Bloodworth / Unsplash

There are only a few sports-based offerings in the streaming market. One such offering is DAZN. It gives users access to MLS, NFL, Serie A, Ligue 1, La Liga, Champions League, WTA Tennis, F1, MMA, and other sports. In general, you are a fan of sports content and want to watch it as much as possible then this streaming service is just right for you.

Content from DAZN can be watched on a multitude of devices, and the service can be accessed by monthly or annual subscription. If you decide to take a break from sports or no longer want to pay for a DAZN subscription, you can always cancel your DAZN subscription. So, here is how to do this.

How does DAZN work

The service is subscription-only, with a monthly cost of only $9.99. By comparison, a single boxing broadcast often costs about $100 and an American soccer package costs more than $40.

DAZN’s main plans are to change the model of sports content consumption. Today, broadcasts live on the principle of PPV (pay-per-view, ie, pay and watch). DAZN plans to kill this model by moving the viewing of sports broadcasts on a subscription basis.

Broadcasts are of the highest quality possible. A person can watch the video even from a mobile application, or from a computer, or from a tablet, or from various consoles for TV like Apple TV, Smart TV, or from a game console – in general, from anywhere with the Internet and the ability to turn on video. Both live and recorded broadcasts are available – you can watch sports at any convenient moment.

How to cancel DAZN subscrition on the Web

If you want to cancel your DAZN subscription using your web browser, you have to follow these steps:

  • First of all, open a web browser on your computer or mobilde device and navigate to the DAZN official website.
  • Then, sign in to your DAZN account, if needed.
  • Click on the “Menu” tab in the top right corner of the screen and select “My Account” from the list.
  • After that, click on the “Cancel Subscription” option under the “Subscription” section.
  • Confirm this action by clicking on the “I Still Want to Cancel” link at the bottom of the “Sure you want to cancel?” dialog.
  • Next, choose the reason for your unsubscribing and click on the “Confirm Cancellation” button at the bottom of the screen.

Once you have completed these steps, you will receive a confirmation email that you have been unsubscribed from DAZN. You have also to be aware that you can cancel your DAZN subscription using the Live Chat of the customer service.

How to cancel DAZN subscription on Android device

If you want to cancel your DAZN subscription on your Android device, you have to follow these steps:

  • Open the Google Play Store app on your mobile device.
  • Navigate to the “Subscriptions” menu.
  • Then, choose the DAZN app from the list of subscriptions you have on Google Play.
  • After that, tap on the “Cancel Subscription” button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Finally, choose the reason for your decision to unsubscribe from the list of options and tap “Continue”.

Once you have completed these steps, your DAZN subscription will be canceled.

How to cancel DAZN subscription on iPhone

If you want to cancel your DAZN subscription on your iPhone, you have to follow these steps:

  • Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone and tap on your name.
  • Then, tap on the “Subscriptions” tab and choose DAZN from the list.
  • Finally, tap “Cancel Subscription” to unsubscribe from DAZN.

If the option is unavailable, it means that your subscription has already expired or has been canceled earlier.