How to combine work and study to manage everything

How to combine work and study to manage everything
Vladimir Sereda / Splaitor Media

Many students take part-time jobs or student internships during the study year. This can be called an essential part of studying. It helps you develop the skills, and commercial experience employers are looking for.

Still, combining work and study doesn’t seem easy. However, studying and building a career at the same time is a common practice for many people. Most undergraduates already have work experience. And it may not always be relevant to the chosen profession.

Well, let’s take a closer look at how to build your schedule so that you have time to study, work, and do anything else.

Can you combine work and study?

First, I want to say that it’s all in your hands. Ask yourself: “How am I any worse if others can do it?” If you fear that the work will hurt your academic performance at university or college, then you have nothing to fear. The proper schedule will help you get everything done.

People also fear combining jobs because they risk not having enough time for family, hobbies, or a good night’s sleep. It seems that when you take on both studies and work, you can’t achieve success there or thereabouts. It is possible to cope with difficulties if you approach the organization of this challenging period of life wisely.

So here are 8 things you can do to combine your study and work.

1. Ask for a flexible schedule at your college

If you are a student, try switching to an individual class schedule or from full-time to part-time classes. College administration may be willing to accommodate you if you’re already working in your study field.

Some online schools and courses also allow you to study on an individual schedule. You will learn the material at your convenience and submit your homework to a tutor for review.

This option requires more discipline, but you can study whenever you want. For example, in the early morning, while your family is asleep, or during the lunch break at work.

2. Share these plans with your employer

This advice is relevant if you want to upgrade your skills. In that case, the employer won’t likely put obstacles in your way. Warn that you will be busy at a course or university on a specific day. Take the initiative more often – for example, take on more tasks when there is no high study load.

And if you’re looking to leave the company or retrain completely, focus on the emotional “compass” of your relationship with management. Your decision will probably not be welcomed on a team with an environmentally friendly atmosphere. But if you continue to work responsibly and involved, they may be willing to accommodate you in terms of time off and vacation time.

3. Set a realistic schedule

A clear plan will help you not to fail to meet deadlines and make time for rest. But it is important to remember that people are nasty at predicting the time it takes to complete tasks.

  • First, it is difficult for a person to objectively assess how much time was spent on similar tasks in the past.
  • Second, they don’t consider the difficulties that slow down the work when making a plan.

To plan correctly, you must not only estimate in your head the deadline but also measure precisely how many hours it takes to complete the tasks. Remember that you can’t work nonstop – there will always be breaks for tea, to check your messengers, or to have a word with your coworkers.

What methods should you try?

Try different scheduling techniques to find the one that works for you. For example, there is the popular 1-3-5 method.

Allocate up to nine tasks daily and do them in order of importance.

  • One is the main one, let’s say to prepare a quarterly report at work.
  • Three are less critical – putting together a presentation on an educational project, meeting with a client, and listening to a lecture.
  • And the other five are the little things you need to attend to whenever possible: fill out a duty schedule, send a letter, and so on.

You can make energy lists – assigning tasks according to the effort needed to complete them. After all, sometimes, a small job requires more moral resources than a voluminous one. When you feel full of energy, take on the most difficult tasks.

4. Don’t practice multitasking

You have to accept the fact that it’s impossible to do everything. Multitasking is an illusion. And in reality, your brain switches from one job to another. It makes you more likely to make a mistake.

You may not notice it when you’re listening to music while walking or cleaning to the sound of the TV running. But the more concentration the tasks require, the greater the negative effect of trying to combine them can be. That’s why prioritizing is important – there should be time for your studies and work.

Do things consistently. If you find it difficult to concentrate, use time-management techniques. One of the most famous is Pomodoro. It suggests that you work in sessions of 25 minutes and then take five-minute breaks. After four such intervals, the rest period can be increased to half an hour.

5. Ask your loved ones for help

Tell your family about your goals and discuss how to achieve them together. For example, your partner can temporarily take over some of your household chores like cleaning or cooking.

Planning will also help to delegate duties. For example, if you don’t want to keep household tasks in your mind, you can make a schedule and write who is responsible for what. Try to take into account each other’s preferences.

If one of the households cannot stand scrubbing floors, offer an equal alternative. For example, they can vacuum or clean plumbing. Children can also be involved in taking care of the house. A small child is capable of folding their toys, while a teenager can take out the trash and clean up after their pet.

Don’t forget to spend time with your family. Your personal life helps you recharge and find the energy to combine work and study. For example, set aside one or two evenings a week that you are guaranteed to devote to your home life. Make a list of exciting things to do and suggest that your loved ones choose their leisure time together.

6. Get rid of time-stealing activities

Check how long you spend on social networks: it is possible that instead of the expected 15 minutes, it will be 2-3 hours. Learn to say “no” to unnecessary things. For example, gently say “no” to a colleague who constantly asks you for help but disappears if you need help. Or mute your street chat, where little-known people have been discussing unimportant problems for hours.

Some studies show that people work in the office less than three hours a day on average. Try writing down what you spend your time on for a few days and analyze the results. Maybe there are some things you don’t have to do – say, connecting to the part of the calls where your active participation isn’t required.

If you find it difficult to say “no” to other people, offer an alternative. For example, if the boss asks you to join an important project, take only the part of the work you have time to do. And the meeting with a friend, reschedule it for when you are less busy – for example when you pass exams or prepare a quarterly report.

7. Plan your rest

Don’t try to fill your entire schedule with just work and study – everyone needs to relax from time to time. Plan activities that make you feel good: going out with friends or reading a book. Include in your routine activities that don’t require a high concentration level. For example, go for a short walk in the middle of the day, for 20-30 minutes, without music or podcasts.

Emily and Amelia Nagoski, authors of Burnout, state that people should spend 10 hours a day resting. This time includes sleep, physical activity, socializing with loved ones, and quiet meals – not in a hurry, not in front of the TV, or with a smartphone in hand. It’s also important to set aside at least half an hour for something personal: morning rituals, chats with friends, and anything else you enjoy.

8. Don’t forget about physical activity

When study and work responsibilities pile up, it’s easy to forget to exercise. This can lead to a decline in well-being, affecting productivity over time. Exercises affect what’s called brain plasticity – it stimulates the growth of new neural connections between cells.

You can work out at home if you can’t go to the gym because of your busy schedule. You can look for yoga, fitness, and dance cardio programs. Many don’t require equipment, and you can work out at a convenient time.

What kind of work can you combine with your study?

Actually, you can combine any job with your study. Freelancing is okay for students – write articles or design websites. If you are confident in your knowledge of academic subjects, consider tutoring. The first students you can look for among friends who have schoolchildren. And if you need hourly employment, a job as a courier or waiter will do.

It is easier for professionals to choose courses or schools immediately, focusing on their work schedule. A remote job will help save time – you won’t have to spend precious hours on the road. If the company provides such an opportunity, it is worth taking advantage of it, at least partly. For example, you can work from home on days of additional classes and come to the office for important meetings and appointments.

You can consider a part-time job or salary cuts if combining a full-time job with studying is challenging. However, it is better to exclude night shifts altogether – getting enough sleep before classes is essential. Otherwise, their effect will tend to zero.


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