Microsoft Teams simplifies meetings using sign language

Microsoft Teams simplifies meetings using sign language
Valeriy Odintsov / Splaitor

Microsoft has introduced a sign language view feature. It allows deaf and hard-of-hearing people to prioritize each other during meetings. Video feeds of these people will remain in constant visibility and be large enough to make sign language visible. You will be able to see up to two other sign language interpreters throughout the meeting, and the video will remain large even when a shared screen is visible.

According to Microsoft, the new accessibility settings pane also makes the settings “sticky.” You won’t have to worry about attaching interpreters or turning on subtitles whenever you start a team conversation. You’ll be able to go directly to the meeting instead of having to configure settings.

The sign language view and accessibility panel are currently only available as part of the Public Preview available to each user. According to Microsoft, they will be available to all commercial and government customers in the “coming weeks.”


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