Where Samsung TVs are made


To be honest, I’m not in favor of choosing a product by country of manufacture. Because in today’s globalized world it plays almost no role, since production is often automated and production technology is controlled by the head office.

However, if you are still interested in where Samsung TVs are made, then I will try to explain.

Where Samsung TVs displays are made

Let’s be honest, the display is the most important thing in any TV, so the company pays special attention to displays.

Displays are made in three factories: two located in South Korea and one in China.

The displays are then shipped to other factories, where the finished TVs are assembled. These plants are located all over the world because assembly plants only assemble the TV from the finished components.

Assembly plants are located in different countries because from a logistical and taxation point of view it is more profitable than doing all the TVs in one plant.

Also at the plant testing and packaging of finished TVs, after which they are sent to wholesalers.

Where Samsung TV parts are made

In addition to displays, TVs are also made up of other parts, such as cases, motherboards, buttons, and stands.

These components are mainly made in Samsung factories in China, Vietnam and South Korea.

The components are then shipped directly to assembly plants, where the final assembly and testing takes place.

Where Samsung TVs are assembled

TVs are assembled in many countries, including South Korea, China, Slovenia, India, Malaysia, Romania, Russia, Mexico, Malaysia, Vietnam and Brazil.

You should understand that such plants are only assembling TVs, all the components come from the factories that produce components and parts.

Where Samsung factories are located

Samsung factory in South Korea

Previously, TVs were produced in Suwon-si, South Korea, but in 2018, that plant was converted to a test equipment manufacturing plant. Beginning in June 2018, production of production components was stopped at this plant.

Samsung factory in China

Samsung also has a TV assembly plant in China, located in Tianjin.

These TVs are mainly supplied to the Chinese domestic market (about 90 percent of them). The remaining 10% were exported to Mongolia and other neighboring countries.

However, Samsung has been considering options to transfer production to other countries, since higher wages for Chinese workers reduce the profitability of production. The company has now moved production to Taiwan and Vietnam.

In November 2020, the company has ceased production at its only plant in Tianjin, China. The company attributed this to efforts to improve efficiency.

Samsung factories in Mexico

Samsung has two TV manufacturing plants in Mexico. One in Tijuana and one in Reynosa.

These factories assemble TVs and make displays for all of North and South America.

Mexico produces about 20 million TVs a year. In 2017-2018, during the Trump presidency, there were reports of possible closures or reductions in production capacity in Mexico.

However, since this plant produces TVs for both Americas, such rumors have not been confirmed.

Samsung factory in Russia

Samsung also has a TV assembly plant in Kaluga region (Koryakovo). TVs are produced for Russia and nearby countries, and some models are also supplied to Eastern Europe.

The average capacity of the plant is about 7-8 million TVs a year.

Samsung factory in India

Samsung had production capacity in Chennai, but in 2018 the plant was completely closed.

The main reason was that the Indian government decided to impose a tax on components supplied to the country. After the closure of the production facilities, TVs for the Indian market were produced in Vietnam.

In 2020, Samsung resumed production at the production facilities of Dixon Technologies.

The reason for this decision was India’s partial repeal of the component and display tax.

Samsung factory in Malaysia

The company had production facilities in Malaysia, located in Seremban.

However, in an effort to improve production efficiency, the company decided to close production facilities. Samsung decided to concentrate production facilities in Vietnam.

Samsung factories in Vietnam

Vietnam is home to Samsung’s largest production facilities. The reason is that Vietnam combines cheap labor and loyal legal and tax policies.

Samsung has created about 70,000 jobs.

In total, Samsung has one research center and eight factories, which are located in Tainggueng.

TVs from China are shipped to Asian countries, including China, South Korea. Also, TVs are shipped to Australia and Africa as well as other countries.

Samsung factory in Brazil

Samsung also has an industrial center in Manaus. It was opened in 1995 and currently makes about 10 million TVs.

The main destinations for that TVs are South America countries.

Samsung factory in Hungary

Samsung has an assembly plant in Hungary in ászfényszaru. The main destination for these TVs is Western and Eastern Europe.

In total, about 8 million TVs are assembled at this plant every year.

Samsung factory in Slovakia

Samsung has also an assembly plant in Galant, where TVs are assembled for Eastern and Western Europe.


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