Why shouldn’t you sleep with your dog?

Vladimir Sereda / Splaitor Media

Pets are family members for many people. Owners are happy to let pets into their beds, and surveys show that more than 50% of people sleep with their dogs in their beds. Most people do this because they feel safe and alone. The rest of the people responded that they like to sleep and feel the warmth of a living organism nearby.

Scientists believe that dogs also sleep with their owners for their sense of security. At the same time, scientists believe that the sleeping posture of a dog depends on its relationship with its owner. There are positive and, at the same time, negative aspects of sleeping together.

What are the positive effects of sleeping with a dog?

Sleeping together with a pet has many positive effects. Each person will identify something specifically for themselves, but most often, it’s because of their great love for the dog.

A sense of security.

Anyone is more vulnerable during sleep. That is why on a subconscious level, people want to feel a living being nearby. This works even if your dog is small and cannot protect you in the real world.

Benefits to animals.

If you have a trusting relationship with your pet, your dog will assume that letting him sleep with you is a sign of love. It’s because your pet also needs to feel comfortable and safe when he’s near you. Some people use this method to make the dog more loyal and obedient. Others make the dog more spoiled in this way.

It’s reducing anxiety and depressive moods.

A beloved dog allows the owner to relax and give and receive love. The reason for restful sleep is oxytocin. Any loving dog owner will feel relaxation and a clearing of thoughts. This is why sleep is more relaxing, as minor problems and a challenging day go into the background.

Improved quality of sleep.

From all of the previous factors, it’s evident that the quality of sleep will improve. Only if your dog is no bigger than you and you sleep in a small bed.

What are the adverse effects of sleeping with a dog?

As many owners are very fond of their dogs, they forget and don’t consider that many negative factors affect their health.

Disruption of nighttime biorhythms and lack of space.

More often than not, all pets sleep more restless than humans. Dogs often wake up and sleep in different positions on different parts of the bed. It’s these actions that can wake a person up. Along with this, many dogs make loud noises while sleeping. Bulldogs and pugs, for example, snore quite loudly. Also, animals can wake you up at night and ask for food. Such a wake-up isn’t only unpleasant but can also disrupt melatonin production. As a result, you will get a disrupted routine, fatigue, and headaches.

Lack of discipline.

More often than not, if the dog owner doesn’t spend a lot of time training the pet, they will be able to spoil the dog more since the pet will think that he is allowed everything and after sleeping in your bed, he will feel in charge.

Skin irritation.

This is probably one of the most unpleasant consequences of sleeping with a dog. It’s not just people with allergies who experience skin irritation. Dog hair, saliva, and epidermis get on your face and body in enormous quantities while you sleep. There is also the risk of acne.

In addition, pets run around the apartment, roll on the floor and collect all the dust and dirt. Along with this, go for daily walks and come into contact with the environment and other dogs in the park. After that, the pet goes to the same bed as you. So after that, it’s hard to talk about hygiene and healthy skin.


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