Experts warn about the dangers of using the PlayStation 5 in an upright position

Experts warn about the dangers of using the PlayStation 5 in an upright position
Valeriy Odintsov / Splaitor

Some users have paid attention to the increasing incidence of failure of the Sony console, which occurs due to the improper positioning of the device. Technicians report that the PlayStation 5 can fail due to its use in an upright position.

Reportedly, the leading cause of PS5 failure when using the upright position is the leakage of liquid metal on essential console elements. The device contains only a tiny amount of liquid metal, which is necessary for the functioning of some components. Still, because of the vertical tilt, the liquid can drip down and disrupt the entire system.

According to experts, PlayStation 5 should be used only in a horizontal position. In addition, putting the device in places with poor air circulation is not recommended, which can damage the console’s cooling during the game.


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