Hackers leaked the email addresses of over 200 million Twitter users

Vlada Komar / Splaitor

The usernames and email addresses of more than 200 million Twitter users have been published by hackers on the Internet. Although the database does not contain user passwords, it nevertheless poses a security threat to those it affects. This happened because of the 2021 vulnerability. The vulnerability allowed attackers to automate account searches. That is, enter email addresses and phone numbers en masse to see if they were associated with Twitter accounts.

Estimates of the exact number of users affected by the hack vary. This is normal because one person can duplicate accounts because of the popularity of the social network.

The leak contains a series of text files listing email addresses and associated Twitter user names, as well as real user names (if they shared them with the site), the number of their followers, and the dates the accounts were created.

Along with that, and importantly, the database is sold on one hacker forum for just $2.

The hacking information is now added to Have I been Pwned, which means anyone can visit the site and enter their email address to see if they got into the database.


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