How to cancel an order on AliExpress (and get a refund)

How to cancel an order on AliExpress (and get a refund) / Unsplash

The popularity of AliExpress is achieved by various factors. One of the key ones is the convenient and well-thought-out functionality of the trading website. Among the most useful options is deservedly the cancellation of an order on AliExpress, which is available to buyers at various stages of the transaction.

Let’s imagine that you ordered a product you like on AliExpress, but later it turned out that you can buy the exact same thing at a lower price. In that case, you would probably want to cancel your first order and get your money back if you have already paid for it. It’s possible to cancel your order on Aliexpress, and it’s not difficult to do so if you act according to the rules of Aliexpress and know some nuances.

What are the cancellation rules for orders at Aliexpress?

The administration of the trading website AliExpress has created an effective system to protect the rights of the customer, in particular when interacting with dishonest sellers. Have you received a low-quality or damaged product? In such cases, you can always open a dispute and get your money back, presenting evidence of the improper condition of the received goods.

Let’s say, suddenly there are new costs or found a more suitable product, in terms of price or characteristics. And in this case, you can cancel the order, but only if your situation meets one of two important conditions:

  • The item has already been paid for by the customer but hasn’t yet been shipped by the seller.
  • Payment hasn’t been made. In this case, the order can be canceled automatically, within 20 days of its submission.

The customer protection system on AliExpress provides for “freezing” payment for the goods, exactly until the buyer hasn’t received confirmation of receipt of the parcel. If the customer is satisfied with his purchase and has no legitimate claims to the seller, with his confirmation he initiates the transfer of “frozen” funds to the account of the store.

You can also cancel your order while the goods are in transit, but in this case, the probability of the seller’s agreement is very low. Another prerequisite for canceling a purchase: the delivery time has already expired, and the goods are still missing. The maximum delivery time, according to the terms of AliExpress, is 60 days. Of course, it’s much longer than StockX ships its orders, for example.

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How to get a refund on your AliExpress order

You shouldn’t confuse the cancellation of an order and the rejection of an item through the opening of a dispute – they’re not the same thing. To cancel an order at Aliexpress after payment and get your money back, you need to use the “Cancel Order” button after a short period of time. It will be displayed in front of the order in the “My Orders” section.

  • So, click go to the “My Orders” section.
Tom’s Product Reviews / YouTube
  • Then, select your order and click “Cancel Order”.
Tom’s Product Reviews / YouTube

This is really not harder than canceling an order at Walmart.

The seller has a certain (predetermined) time for packing and shipping goods to the customer’s address. During this period of time, you need to notify the seller that you have changed your mind about the purchase.

You can also find out how much time the seller has left to pack and ship the item. You can check this in the details of your order. Go to the “My Orders” page, select the order you want, and go to “View Detail”.

If the timer is still ticking and the cancel button pops up, all you have to do is use it and choose a reason for your decision from the list offered. Wait for confirmation of order cancellation from the other side of the transaction. If the representative of the store confirms the cancellation, the order page should indicate that a refund is pending. The refund procedure may take a long time, so you should wait until the funds are credited to the account from which the product was paid for.

What to do if the seller refuses to refund the money

The seller may not agree to refund your money when you cancel the order, but he must indicate the tracking number of the parcel already sent. If the seller decided to cheat you in some way, you can get your money back only through a dispute.

Double-check carefully before making a payment:

  • Details of the order (preferably more than once).
  • The seller’s rating, the nature, and the number of reviews of his work.
  • The feedback from users of the product you’re buying (you may change your mind about buying it afterward).

Such simple actions can to some extent protect you from unnecessary conflicts, and loss of time and money. These tips may not only apply to FliExpress, but also to safe shopping on StockX.

What to do if there’s no “Cancel Order” button

Sometimes the “Cancel Order” button doesn’t pop up. This means only one thing – the payment is being processed, and it can last up to 24 hours. Since the system hasn’t yet accepted the payment, it’s not possible to cancel the item temporarily. In this situation, you only need to wait for the button to appear and perform all the actions described above.

By the way, after the store representative confirms the cancellation of the transaction on his part, instead of the inscription about the pending confirmation the text “Processing payment” will appear.

After any purchase, don’t forget to save the invoices, and sometimes print them out, just like you can do on eBay.

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What to do if the money isn’t returned on the refusal of goods

The customer may not get his money back if, for example, he mistakenly confirms the purchase instead of opening a dispute when dissatisfied with the product. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to cancel an order at AliExpress after payment and get a refund in such a case.

Counting on a refund is pointless even if the dispute is resolved in favor of the store. Irresponsible actions on the part of the buyer can lead to this: ignoring deadlines in an open ticket, unsubstantiated complaints, making unsubstantiated claims, and so on. This can sometimes lead to buyers being blocked, such as on eBay.

Therefore, it’s important to treat the purchase of goods on AliExpress with due care and responsibility. The platform takes all necessary measures to protect consumers from unscrupulous sellers, and therefore it enjoys the well-deserved trust of Internet users. However, you should understand that only you can protect your own rights. Track the movement of your parcel using special track services, open a dispute in time, and don’t make unfounded claims.

You have also to be aware that if the payment was made using a bank card linked to the Alipay service, the refunded funds after you cancel the order will initially go to your Alipay account and not to your bank account. You will not be able to withdraw them back to your card unless you use them to pay for other purchases on AliExpress.

In addition, there’s no account balance on AliExpress. Therefore, after canceling your order you won’t be able to use this amount to pay for other orders right away until they’re returned to your account.