How to cancel FuboTV subscription in a few steps

How to cancel FuboTV subscription in a few steps
Stuart Bloodworth / Unsplash

Streaming is an alternative to cable TV that is gaining popularity every year. FuboTV is one of the streaming platforms that let you opt out of cable television, but it has its own special feature, offering more sports programs in the basic package than any other competing streaming service.

FuboTV was originally launched as a streaming service for soccer before moving to a more traditional live streaming service. Today, the platform has the most comprehensive coverage of sports, including a recently announced deal that will make the ESPN family of channels available this summer, but its lineup of channels also does an excellent job of serving everyone, regardless of age or interest.

Since launching, the service has been quick to add more non-sports channels to its available packages. It now has a wide selection of Viacom entertainment channels as well as Discovery Channel content. The same deal that added ESPN also added other Disney-owned properties, including ABC, ABC News Live, Disney Channel, Disney Junior, ACC Network, FX, FXX, and National Geographic.

Anyway, if you need to take a break from using this streaming platform, you can unsubscribe at any time. So, here’s how to cancel your FuboTV subscription in a few easy steps.

How to cancel FuboTV subscription using official website

If you want to cancel your FuboTV subscription using FuboTV official website, you have to follow these steps:

  • First of all, navigate to the FuboTV official website and sign in to your account, if needed.
  • Then, click on the profile icon and select “My Account”.
  • After that, select “Subscription & Billing” and click “Cancel subscription”.
  • Finally, select “Cancel My Trial” and click “Yes, end trial” to confirm the action.

Make sure you don’t select “Continue Watching” or “Redeem Offer”. You should see a message on the confirmation page stating that you have successfully canceled your free trial subscription. After that, you can also choose the reason for leaving, but it’s not necessary. You should then receive a confirmation email after unsubscribing.

How to cancel FuboTV subscription on Roku device

If you want to cancel your FuboTV subscription on your Roku device, you have to follow these steps:

  • At first, press the “Home” button on your Roku remote.
  • Use the direction button to navigate the channel grid and highlight an affiliate subscription channel or Roku channel. The directional pad is shaped like a plus sign and is located in the center of the Roku remote.
  • Press the “Star” button on the remote control to open the options menu for the desired channel.
  • Choose “Manage subscription” to view the renewal date and access additional options.
  • Select “Cancel subscription” to unsubscribe.
  • Finally, confirm your cancellation by clicking “Cancel subscription”.

A new message will appear to confirm the cancellation, as well as a reminder of the date when you will no longer have access to the subscription.

How to unsubscribe from FuboTV on Apple TV

If you want to unsubscribe from FuboTV on your Apple TV, you have to follow these steps:

  • Turn on your Apple TV and press the “Home” button on your remote control.
  • Then, navigate to settings and select “Users and Accounts”.
  • Choose your account and go to the “Subscriptions” menu.
  • After that, select FuboTV.
  • Now, select “Cancel Subscription”.
  • Finally, select “Confirm”.

Once you have completed these steps, you will unsubscribe from FuboTV on Apple TV.

How to cancel FuboTV subscription on the Roku website

If you want to cancel your FuboTV subscription on the Roku website, you have to follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Roku official website and sign in to your account, if necessary.
  • After that, click on your profile icon and select “My Account”.
  • Then, click on the “Manage your subscriptions” option.
  • Search for the FuboTV subscription and click on the “Unsubscribe” button.
  • Finally, click “Yes, Unsubscribe”.

You should see that the button next to FuboTV has now changed to “Renew”. If you don’t see this, or just want to make sure, contact FuboTV support within 24 hours.