How to change your Yahoo password

How to change your Yahoo password
Patrick Amoy / Unsplash

The American search engine Yahoo! is a true legend in the global world of digital and information technology. This pioneer in its niche was destined to quickly conquer the world market and almost disappear completely several times. At some point, this company refused to buy Google for the ridiculous sum of 1 million dollars, and 10 years later it was almost swallowed by Microsoft. In general, the story of this project is considered one of the brightest and most unconventional in Silicon Valley.

It only takes a couple of minutes to start using one of the world’s most popular email services. The procedure is free and understandable even for beginners. In fact, the process doesn’t differ from the same registration procedure on other major email services. However, let’s imagine that you registered with a password that doesn’t suit you. In that case, you definitely need to change it, and here’s how.

Why do you need to change your Yahoo password?

There are several reasons why you would like to change your Yahoo password. For example:

  • If you suspect that your password has been compromised and that someone else has access to your Yahoo account.
  • If it’s too hard to remember and you’re constantly checking your password manager for it.
  • If you’re worried that it’s not secure enough.

Regardless of the reason you want to update your Yahoo password, it’s recommended that you do so on an ongoing basis. Changing your password periodically will make it harder to access your account because the same password isn’t used for a long period of time.

If you think someone might have your password because you have a keylogger installed on your PC, scan your PC for malware and be sure to always install an anti-virus program.

The password reset isn’t just for Yahoo, it’s also recommended that you change the passwords of all your accounts once every few months. For example, it’s also recommended to change your password on Gmail from time to time.

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How to reset your Yahoo password on a PC

Your Yahoo password gives you access to all the Yahoo services you use. If you forget your password, you can reset it to log back into your Yahoo account. It’s a good idea to update your password regularly and make sure that it’s unique from other passwords you use.

So, if you want to reset your Yahoo password on your PC, you have to follow these steps:

  • First of all, open the Yahoo official website and click on the “Sign in” button.
  • Then, enter your username in an appropriate text field and click “Next”.
  • After that, click on the “Forgot password?” link.
  • Now, if you have access to your phone number, just verify the missing digits and click on the “Submit” button.
  • Next, click “Yes, send me a code”.
  • Enter the code which you have to receive on your phone number and click on the “Verify” button.
  • Finally, create a new password and click on the “Continue” button.

Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to reset your forgotten password using your PC.

You may then be given the option to provide a recovery email address and phone number if you haven’t already done so. After you change your password, you will be prompted to enter it when accessing your account from other devices or through the Yahoo Mail mobile app for iOS and Android.

It’s likely that if you have forgotten the password to your Yahoo mail, you use it very infrequently. In that case, you can transfer your Yahoo mail files to a new email address.

How to change a password on Yahoo

If you want to change your password on Yahoo, for example, for security purposes, you have to follow these steps:

  • At first, open the Yahoo official website and click on the “Sign in” button.
  • Sign in to your Yahoo account using your credentials, if necessary.
  • Then, click on your profile icon and select the “Settings” option from the list.
  • After that, select the “Account security” section, scroll down and click on the “Change password” link.
  • Now, create a new password and click on the “Continue” button.

Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to change your password on Yahoo. You will also receive an appropriate email from the Yahoo support team that your successfully changed your password. Well, it’s really no more complicated than changing your username on eBay.

How to change your Yahoo password on your mobile device

If you want to reset your Yahoo password on your Android or iOS device, you have to follow these steps:

  • Open the Yahoo app on your mobile device and sign in to your Yahoo account, if needed.
  • Then, tap on the “Menu” icon.
  • If you’re using the Yahoo Mail app, tap on the “Manage Accounts” option.
  • After that, select “Account info” and go to the “Security settings” section.
  • Enter your security code and tap “Change password”.
  • Next, tap “I would rather change my password”.
  • Finally, type in the new password and its confirmation and tap on the “Continue” button.

Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to change your Yahoo password using your mobile device. In about the same way you can change the username on Twitch.

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Why is Yahoo still popular?

Yahoo! search is about 2.67% of the global market, according to 2019 data. Doesn’t the figure seem significant? Yes, but only if you do not take into account the fact that Google services are used by more than 92% of users around the world.

As a result, Yahoo!’s modest market coverage results allow it to maintain its second place in the global popularity ranking. Today, Yahoo! is not just a search engine, but a multi-vector service with a large set of tools useful to users. The local mail service, which appeared among the first on the Internet, is traditionally popular.

Mail from Yahoo! continues to be one of the most popular in the world. It may seem surprising, but the first users of the service have been receiving emails to a single box for more than 15 years.

To be fair, it should be noted that the local mail service has improved a lot recently. Each user can store more than 1TB of correspondence and files on their account for free. Access to such large cloud storage allows for the quick exchange of large files that can’t be emailed. The space allocation system in Google Drive works roughly the same way, where you can see how much space a particular folder takes up.

At the same time, the servers are fast enough to upload multimedia materials at high speed. Owners of mobile devices running the Android operating system have access to a free application for receiving and managing e-mail correspondence.