In fact, as soon as you pick up a fake Apple product, you’ll probably be able to tell right away that it’s not the original. At the same time, a lot of devices produced in the world are fakes with the most similar housing of different models of Apple products. However, the most common counterfeit AirPods. Together with this people most often Google it to make sure they have the original AirPods and not the Chinese copy of the branded Apple earbuds.
Also, this question remains so urgent due to the fact that many manufacturers of fake earbuds have learned to make this product very similar to the original. Thus doing everything to distinguish it was quite difficult. However, in spite of this, there are several ways. Most fake earbuds don’t differ much from the original and to distinguish you need to understand and spend a little time.
Is it possible to check if the AirPods are original
In fact, the earbuds manufacturers are now creating a very similar product to the AirPods. They have learned over time to do this in order to sell different models of AirPods under the guise of the original. However, more often than not, fake AirPods are sold on different platforms and they don’t hide it, as such products cost up to $15.
This isn’t surprising because AirPods are the most popular today and it actually lasts from the release date of the AirPods. This device is so convenient that the demand continues to grow. As AirPods are used by people all day long for different purposes. You can connect AirPods to your PC, iPhone, iPad, and other devices to access music, podcasts, and audiobooks anytime you want.
The most important reason for figuring out how to tell the difference between fake AirPods and the original is your safety. Since buying a fake manufacturer isn’t responsible for the material and quality of the product. Poor quality batteries may not be safe for your health.
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What are some ways to identify your AirPods as fake
Today’s reality is that the more popular the product, the more fake it’s. AirPods is the product that best suits everyone today. If you’re apprehensive before buying, it’s best to go to an official Apple store to get quality service and with it a guarantee. Also, before buying, figure out what the best Apple AirPods for 2022 are.
At the same time, fake AirPods can have an iPhone connection animation like the original AirPods and even show the remaining charge level of each earbud and case.
Despite this it’s still possible to distinguish the fake from the original using the serial number, it’s the easiest and most effective way to find out. Also with this will be different animation when connecting. The connection of the fake animation is also very similar but still different. Also together with this, there is a slight difference in appearance.
This is important because in the event of a breakdown or what kind of failure you can refer to the service center in order to specialists were able to repair the warranty. However, along with this can happen small breakages that people fix themselves, such as one AirPod isn’t working and what you can do with this issue.
How to tell if AirPods are fake via the serial number
The fastest and most effective way to know that your AirPods are original is to check them by serial number. On original AirPods, the serial number is located under the cover of the case on the left side, which you can enter on the Apple website. You can get this serial number on the AirPods case, the box, or in the Bluetooth settings after plugging In order to do this, follow these steps:
- Take any device and go to the Apple website under Check Coverage.
- Enter your serial number into the section and click ‘Continue’.
- You will then see a new window with all the information about your AirPods

So if you enter a code that could be on the fake earbuds the site won’t display the model. By searching you will immediately understand the original or fake. You can also follow other ways to be able to distinguish not only by serial number.
How to tell if your AirPods are fake by finding defects
Even the highest quality replica can be calculated by appearance if you look closely at the details. No matter how hard the manufacturers of fake earbuds try, it’s more than realistic to distinguish the original from the fake if you want and compare them. As a company, Apple making AirPods uses high-quality materials that look the best.
Just along with this producers of fakes don’t have as productive capacity to bring the quality of their fake products of low-quality materials to the original. The AirPods original has smooth high-quality aluminum, while the fake has low-quality metal, which can even be slightly crooked in the plastic case.
One of the most distinctive differences is the lettering. Copies often have the wrong button placement and fuzzy inscriptions. On cheaper copies, the lettering can also be misspelled. Also, the earbuds themselves are often distinguished by a black grid. In fakes, the black mesh looks thin and can fall out.
Read also:
- How to fix AirPods microphone not working
- How to fix AirPods pop-up not showing up on iPhone
- How to connect AirPods to Vizio TV
How to tell if your AirPods are fake when connected
During connection, you can immediately determine whether you’re dealing with an original or a fake. When you connect a quality fake, the same window pops up as when you connect the original AirPods, but of course, it’s different.
As you try to connect the fake, you will see that you have to press and hold the button on the case to do so. While during the connection of the original AirPods you only need to click on ‘Connect’ on the screen.
Along with this, if you select the Bluetooth setting on the iPhone AirPods, you will have all the information about the earbuds displayed. At the time if you connect the fake information about the device won’t be any.

Also after you plug in your earbuds you can add an AirPods battery widget on your iPhone or iPad in order to track the charge status. At the same time, you can’t do that with fake earbuds.