How to increase your work productivity

Vladimir Sereda / Splaitor Media

Productivity is one of the most important attributes of a good worker. In your workday, you should be able to perform as many duties as possible. I would say that when you have a lot of closed tasks in a day, you even feel better because you understand that you didn’t just waste your time.

However, from time to time it can happen to everyone when a person’s productivity can go down. There are times when workers simply get burned out or begin to work less efficiently because of various factors. There are several different methods that can help with this problem.

How to understand that you have problems with productivity

If you have begun to notice that you do less work during the day and have more difficulty with mundane tasks, you may have this problem. It can cause many unpleasant consequences. The main thing is to quickly understand that you have a problem and start to fight it.

You may quarrel with your colleagues because of the work you don’t get done, you may be demoted, or you may even be fired. So I would advise you to solve this problem as soon as possible. It can happen to anyone at any stage of life. There are a number of reasons why you might encounter such problems.

The main reasons include personal problems and various quarrels with co-workers. You may also just be tired of your job and you may no longer want to do it anymore. Productivity problems can also occur in toxic teams. If you realize that you have become less productive and you have begun to have work problems because of this, you need to address them as quickly as possible.

What are the solutions to low productivity?

If you notice that your productivity is in a deplorable state, you can google and find dozens of different tips. Personally, I find that most of them are pretty useless and do not help me. I can advise you on a few ways to solve this problem, which I personally use and which have a real effect:

Divide the big task into several smaller ones

Try to break down your big task into a few small steps that you can do relatively quickly. This will help you end up completing the task faster. In addition, the smaller tasks will make you feel satisfied with the task.

Follow the two-minute rule

There is a rule that says, “If you can complete a task in 2 minutes or less, do it now.” Some studies show that this way you will get the job done faster. Also, you don’t accumulate small tasks.

Do one task at a time

Multitasking doesn’t help many people work efficiently. The easiest way to do more tasks in less time is to do them one at a time. Focus on one task and move on to the next when you complete it.

Take breaks

Another mistake people who want to become more productive make is to start working without taking breaks. It is better to take breaks and rest. For example, if you work for an hour, take a ten-minute break.

Put aside your gadgets

Concentrate on your work. To do this, you should put aside your smartphone or tablet. In case you have an iOS device, I would recommend you turn on Focus mode. Similar options are available on PCs and android smartphones. The lack of news and free internet access can help you concentrate better on your tasks.

Take a vacation

If you feel that you have a lot of fatigue and your work is no longer providing you pleasure, it’s not a bad idea to take a vacation and have a little break. Go to the countryside and do the most relaxing things for you, like fishing or skiing.

These methods can help you beat low productivity. I would recommend using them altogether. Except for the last one. You should only take a sabbatical if you realize that nothing else helps. After all, your boss won’t be happy if in the middle of the work month you suddenly want to go out of town for a week.

What can interfere with your productivity

I would say that the main thing that can interfere with your productivity is an unhappy work environment. For example, you may not like what you are doing or you think you are underpaid and this is eating at you.

It can also be influenced by a bad atmosphere in the team. In this case, you may want to consider leaving your job. Although this is, of course, an extreme measure. To begin with, you should work on yourself, especially if your work is well paid and promising, and if it gave you pleasure.

Other than that, external factors such as personal problems or attention deficit disorder may interfere with your productivity. In that case, I would advise you to take a day off and try to solve these problems for yourself. This will help you get back on track.


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