How to manually reset Chromecast explained

How to manually reset Chromecast explained
Dario / Unsplash

Many people have heard of Google Chromecast, but not everyone knows what it is and how to use it. To be brief, it is an HDMI device that allows you to turn an average TV into a full-featured media set-top box for easy watching of videos and photos from the global network, as well as from a connected smartphone or tablet. The most important thing you need to know is that for full functionality you will need a home WiFi network, preferably unlimited.

Of course, Google tries to produce a device that works without problems, but like all technology, it is not perfect. At some point, your Chromecast may freeze or lag, and while a simple reboot of the device may help, if that doesn’t, you may have to try more complicated ways to fix the problem. If you’re trying to troubleshoot technical issues or connect your device to a new wireless router in your home, a factory default Chromecast reset might be the right thing to do.

It’s relatively easy to do and only takes a few minutes. So, here is how to manually reset Chromecast.

How to reset Chromecast using the device’s capabilities

If you want to reset your Google Chromecast on the device, you have to follow these steps:

  • Press and hold the small round reset button, located next to the micro USB port, for at least 25 seconds, or until the device’s lights begin to blink.
  • Then, unplug the power cable from the USB device and wait a few seconds before reconnecting the Chromecast. 

This will complete the Chromecast factory reset process and you can start configuring the device as a new device.

How to reset Chromecast using the Google Home app

If you want to reset your Google Chromecast using the Google Home app, you have to follow these steps:

  • First of all, open the Google Home app on your smartphone or tablet.
  • After that, tap the “Account” button located at the bottom right side of the screen.
  • Tap an option that tells you how many devices are connected in your home.
  • Then, select the device you want to reset from the list of local devices.
  • On the screen of the selected device, tap the “Settings” icon in the upper right corner of the screen to open the “Device Settings”.
  • Tap on the “three dots” icon at the top right corner of the screen to open a menu of options.
  • Finally, select the “Reset” option from the menu to restore your device to factory settings.

You have also to be aware that this way of factory reset is only available if you’re still able to connect to your device through WiFi.

Google Chromecast can be reset quickly and easily. There is a reset method suitable for any model of the device. It is important to remember that resetting your Google Chromecast to factory settings erases all data. You should only perform a factory reset if it is absolutely necessary in order to avoid configuring your device again.