What are Instagram Notes?

Vlada Komar / Splaitor

More recently, Meta has introduced several new improvements that await Instagram users. Among them is a feature called Instagram Notes. This feature allows users to stay in touch with their friends. Many are comparing the new feature on Instagram to the heyday of AIM’s check-out messaging.

Instagram Notes are essentially tiny notes. Instagram Notes work well as a kind of soapbox. Like stories, Instagram notes disappear after 24 hours.

It will work so that users can respond to your notes. Along with that, they will appear in your DMs. This feature will allow you to leave text or emoji messages up to 60 characters long.

To leave a note, go to the top of your inbox, select the subscribers you follow or people on your list of close friends, and your note will appear at the top of their inbox within 24 hours.

You will also be able to get replies to the notes, and they will come in DM messages to your inbox.

Meta said they were testing this feature, and users liked it because people like to express themselves spontaneously and spontaneously communicate with each other.

It’s actually a cool feature. But many people, at first glance, think it’s good for communicating with their friends, but it’s just as beneficial for business accounts. Business accounts can leave some information in the form of notes to attract customers and thus develop their brand or services.


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