Will any LG remote work with any LG TV?


Each TV has a remote control in its own box. However, sometimes they break or you just want to buy an improved remote control. In this case, it’s helpful to know which remotes work with LG TVs.

Can you replace LG TV remote?

Yes, you can replace the LG TV remote. There can be many reasons why you make this decision, from breakage to wanting a new model with new features.
Here’s what you need to know:

  1. LG has Smart Remotes (called Magic Remotes) and standard remotes
  2. Smart remotes are working via Bluetooth, while standard remotes are working via IR-connection
  3. There is no limitation to replace an old remote with a newer model.

LG is constantly updating its LG Magic remotes, for example in 2021 company has announced a new LG Magic Remote along with WebOS 6.0. We already have an article reviewing the new Magic Remote 2021, so you can read it as well. In that article, we also explained that the new LG Magic Remote 2021 would work with older TVs, even though they won’t get the WebOS 6.0 update.

LG Magic Remote 2021

LG Remote Control Types

You should understand that there are only two different LG remote types.

The first one is universal remote control – LG Magic Remote – This is a smart remote, that’s designed not only for switching channels, but has a lot of advanced features like voice control, quick streaming services access, and so on. Magic Remote is working via Bluetooth, so your TV should have a Bluetooth module. In some LG TVs Bluetooth is disabled on the software level, but you can read this article in order to learn how to enable Bluetooth.

The second one is a Standard remote. This remote can be used only to switch channels, but it works via IR-connection, so it can be used with almost any TV.

To conclude, you can use any LG remote with any LG TV, but in order to use LG Magic remote, your TV should have a Bluetooth module.

In case you’re interested in LG Magic Remote compatibility list, you can read this article.


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