How to create a poll for a Facebook event

How to a poll a Facebook event
Dima Solomin / Unsplash

Time, as well as numerous user reviews, have shown that Facebook is one of the best social networks, where you cannot only just communicate with friends, but also discuss various topics in groups and comments under publications. This platform has long won the hearts of Internet users because it offers many interesting features that only help to simplify communication. As an example, you can share stories, just like on Instagram, or create polls.

Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t allow you to create a poll on the event page or even on your profile page. You can only do it on a Facebook group page or in Messenger. Either way, if you do want to ask your audience about something, you can easily create a survey in a Facebook group. Here’s how you can do it.

What does a poll mean on Facebook?

Facebook polls are a convenient way to get the opinions of your friends or all the people in your social circle on various topics for professional or personal use. It’s really handy because in just a few clicks you can get a person’s opinion on anything you ask about. It’s also handy because you can use Facebook polls if you work in marketing.

Let’s imagine you’re a popular food blogger on Instagram, and also on Facebook. As a creator of interesting, delicious, and healthy content, you need to be in shape at all times. This means that you can’t keep making the same standard dishes with standard recipes, because eventually it can bore your audience and you’ll lose your fans. To avoid this, you can do the following – create a survey on Facebook.

Yes, maybe it will be a poll about what’s delicious and unforgiving to make for dinner. However, you will give your Facebook followers and fans the opportunity to choose the dish that interests them most. You’ll just have to provide options.

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How to create a poll on a group on Facebook using the website

Facebook allows you to create a poll on your Facebook group page. Make sure you create it as a host so that people are notified of your new survey.

If you want to create a poll on your group on Facebook, you have to follow these steps:

  • First of all, open the Facebook official website in the web browser on your PC or laptop and sign in to your Facebook account, if necessary.
  • After that, click on the “Groups” tab.
  • Then, go to the group page where you wish to create a poll.
  • Next, on the “Write something…” text field.
  • Click on the “three dots” icon and select the “Poll” option.
  • Enter your question and options. You can also add an option by clicking “Add option”.
  • Finally, just click on the “Post” button to publish a poll.

Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to create a poll on a Facebook group using the website. Moreover, you can also tag your friends on Facebook under your poll.

How to create a poll on a group on Facebook using an iPhone

If you want to create a poll on a group on Facebook using your iPhone, you have to follow these steps:

  • First, open the Facebook app on your iPhone and sign in to your Facebook account, if needed.
  • After that, tap on the “three lines” button and select “Groups”.
  • Go to your group and tap on the “Write something…” text field.
  • From the new window, select the “Poll” option from the bottom list.
  • Then, type your question and options.
  • You can tap on the “Add Option…” text field to add more options.
  • To allow participants to add options and enable or disable the option to select multiple responses, tap on the gear icon located next to the “Add Option…” text field.
  • Finally, tap on the “Post” button at the top right corner of the screen to publish it on your group’s page.

Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to create a poll on a Facebook group using your iPhone.

If you think that your post with the poll cannot be shared, then this option is rather turned off in the post settings. However, you can always turn it back on so that other Facebook users can share your post with their friends.

How to create a poll on a group on Facebook using an Android device

If you want to create a poll on a group on Facebook using your Android device, you have to follow these steps:

  • Open the Facebook app on your Android device and sign in to your Facebook account, if necessary.
  • Then, tap on the “hamburger” button and select “Groups”.
  • Go to your group and tap on the “Write something…” text field.
  • From the new window, select the “Poll” option from the bottom list.
  • After that, type your question and options.
  • You can tap on the “Add poll option…” text field to add more options.
  • To allow participants to add options and enable or disable the option to select multiple responses, tap on the “Poll settings” button.
  • Finally, tap on the “Post” button at the top right corner of the screen to publish it on your group’s page.

Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to create a poll for a Facebook Group using your Android device. If you want a poll created by someone other than yourself, you can add an admin to your Facebook group.

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Why do people need to create Facebook Events?

Many Facebook users simply adore various parties, concerts, performances, and exhibitions. After all, it all makes a person’s life more diverse and adds new bright and rich colors to it. Facebook gives you the opportunity not only to respond to your friends’ offers to attend this or that event but also to create your own advertising for these events.

It’s simple enough. If you want to organize a party at your home, for example, you can easily create an event on Facebook and send out invitations to your friends and acquaintances. A Facebook event is a kind of shared calendar that you can use to notify users of upcoming events. Events can be created by anyone and can be public or private. The creator can invite their friends, group members, or fans of the page.

Facebook events are a great way to spread the word about upcoming events or activities because they can reach a huge number of people in a short period of time. When an invitee confirms that they will attend the event, this message appears in their news feed to notify their friends. In addition, a very important bonus is that when the date of the event approaches, it appears on the invitees’ home pages to remind them of the event.

Furthermore, Facebook gives its users an opportunity to duplicate a Facebook event. It can be very useful if you’re organizing the same parties or other events and don’t want to create a new event from the beginning.