How to cancel an order on the Wish app in a few simple steps

Vladimir Sereda / Splaitor Media

Wish is one of the most popular e-commerce websites. On this platform, you can order from China clothing, technical goods, shoes, accessories, and much more. In case you want to cancel your order, you will only be able to request a cancellation within 8 hours of placing the order.

Once canceled, your funds will be refunded to you within 10 business days. However, also keep in mind that the returned funds will appear on your Wish Cash balance within 1 hour.

What to do to cancel an order on the Wish app using iPhone?

Wish also has rules for sellers of goods. That is why after 8 hours the buyer can’t cancel the order, as the seller is obliged to send it after this time. On the other hand, you may return the product after you receive it and request for refund on the apр. In order to cancel an order on the Wish app using iPhone you need to follow these steps:

  • First of all, you should open the Wish App on your phone and tap the icon which displays the hamburger at the right corner.
  • Then, find and click on “Your Order” to view your orders and request for cancellation.
  • After you have found the item which you want to cancel, click on “Contact Support” below the item.
  • A chat window will open after that. It will ask you if you want some help regarding the order. Accept it.
  • Then, it will ask you what to do with the order. Click on “Cancel my item”.
  • In the end, choose a reason for canceling the order from the options which are given below. You may also give a custom response to cancel your order.

Take note that the order will be canceled immediately and there are no hidden charges for canceling the order.

Also, if you need to cancel, you should know that managing your orders using your browser is quite limited. That is, the Wish app has more features than Therefore, you can’t cancel your order using the browser.

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What to do to request a refund on the Wish app using iPhone?

You can request a refund if you haven’t received the item. If the delivery date has already passed, you can request a refund. The seller must give you a refund if you haven’t received the item you want. To receive your funds you may do some steps below:

  • Open the Wish App and go to “Your Order”.
  • Choose an item for which you want a refund.
  • Then, scroll down to find and tap on “Contact support”.
  • After that, the automated chat box will be displayed after tapping on the option “Contact support”.
  • When it will ask whether you have received the item or not. Tap “No”.
  • Then, you will be asked what you would like to do with the order. Click on the option “I want more assistance”, to initiate the refund process.
  • After that, you may choose in which way you would like to receive your funds: as Wish cash or in your original payment account. You can choose either of the options according to your choice. It’s better to go with the original payment account. In this case, the refund amount will be directly credited to your bank account. The duration of this process is 5-10 days.
  • In the end, it will give you a confirmation message that your response was recorded.

After these steps, this marketplace is over and the seller will be informed that the customer wants a refund. In the future, you will just have to wait for further action on the part of Wish.

Why was your order canceled?

At the same time, there are cases where the order was canceled by the system and not by you. Such a situation is quite unpleasant, but Wish really had a reason for it. Since it’s obvious that this service is profitable to sell and deliver goods to you.

One of the most common reasons for which the order can be canceled is the lack of it in stock. This may not happen often, as this service is quite optimized for mass sales, but still, it can happen. When a seller processes order and sees that the item cannot be shipped, it’s canceled.

Also, another reason is the seller’s inability to deliver. For various reasons, some employees may be absent from their workplace. A few years ago, at the height of the pandemic, all orders were canceled because almost all employees were forced to self-isolate. Even though this may be the reason, there is a small chance of this happening again.

If the order was canceled by the seller, the cost of the order is fully refunded to the customer. As soon as the money will appear in your account you will be able to buy a similar product or request a refund on your bank card.